more stuff.....

After his loss in the 2006 June legislative primary, Clark School Superintendent Jim Holbeck is one of the three finalists for the vacant Harrisburg School Superintendent position. You might recall that he had been defeated by Senator Brock Greenfield who later went on to win in the fall.

The Associated Press is reporting on a story out of Minnesota where public broadcasting has formed a fantasy sports league. Except it's for political junkies:
George Linkert has high hopes for his first-round draft pick, Sen. Ann Rest.

"She's been in leadership and she's had lots of experience," he said of the veteran Democratic state lawmaker. "She's had a history of sponsoring bills that get the governor's signature."


Both are similar to fantasy sports leagues, but instead of tracking touchdowns or home runs, managers win a point every time one of the six lawmakers on their team introduces a bill. Points escalate for every step the bill takes through the legislative process, with the motherlode — 100 points — awarded if the governor vetoes the bill and is overridden.

"My fantasy football team was so bad last year, I figured I might as well try this," said Nate Dybvig, a media consultant and manager of Sine Die Sadists, which invokes the Latin term for the end of a legislative session. "You can pretty much make anything into a fantasy sport these days, it seems like."

The Minnesota league is sponsored by Minnesota Public Radio, where online editor Bob Collins serves as the league's "commissioner." He said he pushed the idea because he's constantly looking for new ways to get information to online consumers.

Read it all here. I'll just bet that one is appearing in bars all across South Dakota as we speak.

The Democrats are in the midst of opening their office in Sioux Falls as we speak. Expect something to be up and running down there - even a temporary location - before the end of next week.

Stay tuned...


Anonymous said…
A message to Harrisburg.... Run, run like the wind... Hire that guy as your Supt. and your tax dollars will start blowing in the wind.

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