Breaking News - Latterell versus Sutton, Part II

BREAKING NEWS - I just heard that the news coming out of Aberdeen today is that there was a rematch between Isaac Latterell and Duane Sutton. The race this time? Brown County GOP Chairman.

And guess who came out on top?

Now two for two, I hear that Isaac had strong support from those in attendance. The big surprise is that he had no idea that he'd be facing his former primary opponent. A different opponent was anticipated. But the name that was placed in nomination was Duane Sutton.

Shades of a 2008 race to come? We'll have to wait and see if there's a third rematch.


Anonymous said…
"The Sutton's=Liberals
Anonymous said…
Isaac is da bomb!
Anonymous said…
Go Isaac!
Anonymous said…
Sutton, isnt that not us backwards
Anonymous said…
No actually it isn't.
Anonymous said…
Yes! Way to go Latterell!
Anonymous said…
PP--WHY in the world are you not covering the other Sutton?? That is one of the biggest stories in South Dakota history and you are not covering it??? Some of your faithful readers are wondering what is going on here...we have been reading your blog for some time now during this entire saga and now you go cold?? Oh...and please do some checking...if I'm not mistaken Rep. Roger Hunt is on the committee to make up rules against Sutton??? That is just a thorn in my side!! Please let me know if that is correct information or not, because if it is...IT NEEDS TO BE COVERED!!! Hunt is ALSO under investigation RIGHT?????? But maybe the powers that be in Pierre only want to discipline one of their members...UNBELIEVABLE!!!!
PP said…
Anon 8:42 posted, but I had to redact a bit from....

Sorry PP--while I was posting here, you were uploading the top story...And YES your info on [redacted] is correct. I believe they paid fines it should be public record now...Don't forget to get back to me about HUNT!!! I will post up top as soon as you open it for comments!! I want to know if the people that represent us as a whole are going to treat ALL members fairly or are out to get just ONE!!
PP said…
8:38/8:42, I'll comment when we actually know whether or not something illegal happened.

Right now, we're awaiting a declaratory judgement from the court as to if Roger actually found a clever loophole, or definitively violated the law.

At least give him the same benefit of the doubt as Senator Sutton. Even with Dan, they're only allegations at this point.
Anonymous said…
The thumb rises!

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