School and Lands Team set

I had a chance this weekend to confirm a few of the people who are going over to the Office of School and Public Lands, as Jarrod Johnson opens the doors to his new office tomorrow AM.

As mentioned at one point on my website, Jennifer Giannonatti will be serving as Jarrod's deputy. Also joining the office will be Dena McCaskell coming from the AG's office, and they smartly managed to snag Jae from down at the State GOP HQ to be part of the team.

You might think that it doesn't seem like a lot of people, but there are only 7 positions in the office.

As we welcome Jarrod into his position, I'd also like to bid a fond farewell to Bryce Healy who has held the office for the past 4 years. Political party aside, Bryce is a good guy, and I wish him success in his future endeavors.


Anonymous said…
How old is Jen, she was just a House Page in 2003? I guess that would make her just old enought to buy beer. Who is Jae?
Anonymous said…
Gianonnatti is 22, soon to be 23.
Anonymous said…
And smoking hot.

PP, you need to do a feature with meaning and purpose, like the 10 hottest SDGOP babes.

Jen Gianonnatti
The Gov's Daughter
Shantel Krebs
Kristi Noem
Deb Peters
Vern Larson's Daughter
Chris Nelson's Receptionist, Monae
Pennington County Executive Director Jewal Breard

There's at least a few for your list...

Anonymous said…
What about Alice Kundert?
Anonymous said…
No offence to these fine young indiviuals but this team seems to lack any experience with politics and more importantly, anyone who has an inkling about managing land from a financial perspective. Yes, Jarrod knows how to fix fences but what making sure the office is maximizing the potential income from property.
Anonymous said…
Jarod forgot more about land management that most of the State. He is keeping the investment gal on hand and the SD investment team. So 2:35 your theory is out!
Anonymous said…
11:18 post needs to be deleted. Those young ladies have been "groped" and unless they read this blog, they don't even know it.

chicks and absolutely insulting to their intelligence.
Anonymous said…
Jen is a bright and talented person who served us well in the state senate. She comes from Harding County, which has to be an added benefit with respect to understanding the land issues in an area where School and Public Lands has a substantial interest (vastness, fencing, water...). As for the off the wall person on the calendar pics, this is one lady that is too smart for the likes of you. You minimize her abilities at your own risk.
Anonymous said…

At least we should ask that Peters be deleted from the list.
Anonymous said…
After that comment by Lee Schoenbeck, he is more than qualified to be our next Governor! Go Lee!
Anonymous said…
It does not matter who Jarrod has working for him! If he talks to you, you fall in love with him! Jarrod for Congress or Senate in 08!
Anonymous said…
With all these babes working for him, one has to wonder if Jarrod is married, or if we'll have another "Sahry" office scandal!
Anonymous said…
Who said anything about calendar pics? I think the original post mentioned a feature. Both are absurd and in poor taste but a little intriguing. I can just hear the type of questioning.

"I'm doing a piece on hot GOP chicks..."

"...I didn't realize that was an issue with the certified beef program, but anyways, let's talk about your hottness..."

"...Getting back to your hottness, would you be viewed equally as hot if you changed your registration? If not how come?"

PP, you could be SD's online Maxim.

I just couldn't resist taking a couple of shots on this one. Nice to know the GOP has solid, focused campaign staffers like 11:18.


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