Grrr. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
This one will probably get some discussion going. Under a prior post I did recently on the South Dakota Victory campaign, there were a couple of commentors who noted how highly they thought of the 2002 and 2004 Victory Director Larry Russell, and noted how he's one of the party's future stars. Then just today, there was Jack. Let's just say Jack didn't agree. You can read it all here , but here's just a snippet: Larry Russell might be able to beat Maka Duta, but he sure as hell isn't going to beat Stephanie Herseth. As a Democrat, I'd love to see it -- sweet, squeaky clean Herseth versus the guy who was forced out of state to Ohio because of ethical problems. I allow comments on the board, frankly because they make things more interesting. I'm not always right. Heck, I screw up, and I'm not so arrogant I won't admit it. And discourse over political topics is part of what makes it fun. But let me state flat out that I think what Jack had to say wa...