There's a 50k Bill to be introduced tomorrow at the State Capitol, and it arrives at 11:30

Get ready boys and girls, because it's-a-comin'.

I had a notice passed to me this afternoon. It got my attention, because while I knew the S.T.O.P. effort was going to be dropping off petitions tomorrow AM at about 11:30, I didn't know they were going to be dropping them off with AUTHORITY:

Committee members of STOP (Stabilize Tax on Property) held a press conference at 9:30 AM Mountain Time in Rapid City at the Howard Johnson Hotel.

The purpose of the press conference was to announce the total number of signatures gathered on petitions to place the constitutional amendment on the ballot. At the news conference, the number of signatures that had been turned in stands at 51,141 . The minimum number of signatures required to place this measure on the November 2006 ballot are 33,456. There are still people calling who are bringing petitions to STOP Headquarters, or will send their petitions directly to the Secretary of State's Office. There were a couple dozen volunteers attending the news conference in Rapid City, and many petition carriers will be traveling to Pierre to deliver the petitions to the Secretary of State on Thursday.

Petitions will be delivered to Secretary of State Chris Nelson in Pierre on Thursday November 3rd, at 11:30AM Central Time.

This leaves 2 other Initiated Constitutional Amendments out there. The J.A.I.L. measure and Gerry Lange's corporate income tax measure. Unless someone shows me proof to the contrary, I'm thinking JAIL is going to miss their mark, and the CIT was out of the running long ago.

But S.T.O.P. is in, and with over 50,000 signatures, this measure might be tough to declare invalid. So it's likely going to show up on the ballot this fall.

In other ballot measure news, is anyone hearing about the alcohol tax measure? Me neither.

I had interviewed for the director's job at the SDACC a year or two back, and expressly told them during the process that the drink tax they wanted to put on the ballot back then was not going to be a walk in the park, but I could get it on the ballot and put together a winning campaign for them. I noted that it would take a coalition of interests to get it done correctly.

Well, as you can see, they didn't pick me. And it just so happens that they're in a quagmire on this measure. First they were going to bring it. Then they were too slow, and Pennington County went off on their own. Now, while the SDACC seems to be wondering "do we help?" versus "do we not help?" nobody can spend a dime on it because they're taxpayer funded entities.

And any self-respecting group who might have joined a coalition is noticeably silent. That's IF anyone bothered to ask them by now if they were interested in helping.

Meanwhile, the opposition - who is organized and funded waits to see if Pennington County's Delores Coffing can get the required signatures to create the tax.

Stay tuned.


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