Okay. I've thought long and hard on this one. And I think I've come up with my list for what I believe to be the top political stories of 2006. Unlike KELO or the Argus when they get around to their top ten stories, no lame zip feeds mill here. Just SD political stuff. I've reviewed and revised this list. Things have gone on and off of it, and I'm trying to put it to paper, so I'll be over and done with it. So, here it is. I can't change anymore, so it's yours to argue and debate. The top ten political stories of 2006 10. Dang, is that ballot long. Some view it as activism, some view it as due to the in-activism in the legislature. Either way, people were signing a lot of petitions this year. Medical Marijuana, JAIL, Smoking, School Start date, abortion, and the list goes on. I can’t recall when we’ve had so much to consider. And the challenges! Many of those ballot issues were in court at least once in these hard fought tooth and nail battles. Maybe, jus...