It's starting already. The road to 2008 has hit South Dakota's shores

I got this article, and in a lightning strike of weirdness, apparently there's 2008 presidential ads running in Rapid City.
Rep. Duncan Hunter appears to have scooped other presidential hopefuls in both parties by becoming the first potential candidate to air television commercials aimed at smoothing a path to the White House.

Hunter, an Alpine, WA Republican, started airing two 30-second ads over the weekend in South Carolina , North Carolina and South Dakota . Both ads focus on Hunter's assertion that China is stealing U.S. jobs and threatening its security by “cheating” at trade. The ads will air for two weeks.

Joel Rivlin, deputy director of the Wisconsin Advertising Project, said Hunter's commercials appear to be the first of the 2008 presidential campaign with the possible exception of ads aired recently in New Hampshire urging that Illinois Sen. Barack Obama be drafted as the Democratic nominee. The commercials were prepared and financed independently of Obama.


Hunter's decision to air the ads in South Dakota 's Rapid City media market puzzled political experts, including GOP officials in that state. They pointed out that South Dakota 's sparse population and early June primary date guarantee it will likely have no effect on the choice of the presidential nominees of either party.
Read it all here.

Who cares! We're first! Woo Woo!!! Sorry. Yeah. That was as silly as running a presidential political ad in South Dakota 18 months before the primary.


Anonymous said…
Perhaps it isn't South Dakota he's trying to sway....but instead recognizing that advertising here is dirt cheap, and the advertising itself creates a story national media would presumably pick up about how he's the first.
Anonymous said…
How'd he become from Alpine, WA? Last I heard he represented a district in southern California.
Anonymous said…
it would make sense if he were advertising on Sioux Falls media, what with the spillover into places like Sioux County, Iowa; given that KELO broadcasts in both RC and SF, any chance they meant he was broadcasting on KELO?

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