LDRDSD: Christmas Wishes from the left and right

Todd Epp and I take a few minutes out of our busy lives to present Christmas wishes over at the bi-partisan Left Dakota - Right Dakota - South Dakota weblog, as evidenced by one of my gifts:
Gift #3 - Righteous indignation

For the Argus Leader. Because after going after the Governor, Roger Hunt, and any number of assorted topics (State airplanes, the Governor's Hunt, pistol permits, health records, etcetera...) in an overblown and overhyped manner this year, I think they used up everything they had.

Unless Santa brings them more to restock their supply, they'll be stuck running pictures of people's cats....

Oops. too late.


Anonymous said…
Personally I think Rounds and Hunt deserve what they get, but you may be right about the Argus overblowing it some.

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