More coverage and a load off of Frank's mind..

The "Kloucek doesn't play well with others" e-mail is starting to gain momentum with the mainstream media.

Check out the interview Tony Mangan did with him at KCCR:
.....Kloucek, who is considered a vocal Senator, criticized the expected hearing to be held next month against state Senator Dan Sutton of Flandreau, who is accused of groping a male page. Kloucek expressed doubt about the family that has accused Sutton of the misconduct, but also suggestd that he was troubled by Sutton’s behavior with the pages. In the e-mail, Kloucek also said he no longer wanted to sit next to either Sutton or B-J Nesselhuf of Vermillion because he didn't agree with their views.

While not taking back the remarks, Kloucek says they were not designed for public consumption. Kloucek says he has an old e-mail system that requires him to cut and paste copy for e-mail messages. He says that part was not deleted as planned.

Kloucek says he will not speculate on any possible punishment that may be suggested for him when the Legislature opens January 9th. He says he has apologized and that sometimes "stuff" happens.
"Stuff Happens," indeed. Watch for that story here at Today's KCCR. I also notice that the Associated Press has picked up the story as well as related here at the Aberdeen American News:
A state senator says he apologizes to "each and every one" he might have offended after an e-mail that contained comments critical of some Senate colleagues was accidentally sent to more people than he intended.


Sen. Ed Olson, R-Mitchell, chairman of the Legislature's Executive Board, told the Capital Journal that the accusations in Kloucek's message are not a normal legislative occurrence.

"I just went 'my gosh' when I read the e-mail, and when we adopt rules, (Kloucek) could possibly get a censure as well," Olson said.

Kloucek did not take back his remarks but said they were not intended for public consumption and were accidentally included. He said he has an old e-mail system that requires him to cut and paste copy for e-mail messages.
Read that all here. From what I've had in my e-mail box today, I think Frank can take a breath and relax.

Despite Senator Ed Olson's comments to the contrary, one former legislator is telling me that to his knowledge, legislators cannot be censured for acts which don't take place during session. So, while Frank is eating a bit of crow, he most likely doesn't have to eat it with a coating of "censure sauce."

Not that it's going to be any more palatable as he wolfs it down.

And speaking of Frank, did anyone catch that explanation of his?
"He said he has an old e-mail system that requires him to cut and paste copy for e-mail messages."
Has anyone heard of an e-mail program where you couldn't compose a message in the program? Me neither.

I don't even think I've even heard of a MAC computer using such a goofy scheme to compose e-mails. It must be a program that only exists in Scotland, SD.


Anonymous said…
"He said he has an old e-mail system that requires him to cut and paste copy for e-mail messages. Has anyone heard of an e-mail program where you couldn't compose a message in the program?"

pp - must be a new kloucekian device.

you order it, it arrives and fails to work because .... the czech's in the mail.
Anonymous said…
Maybe the first priority for the legislature this year should be "Writing, Sending and Receiving Email." I believe they teach that in first grade now.
Anonymous said…
Frank's lame excuse is dog piles, pure and simple imhp.
Anonymous said…
sorry IMHO

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