Flashback - top 10 political personalities of 2005

In preparation of doing another one of my "top ten of 2006" posts in coming days, I wanted to at least point out another one of them I'd done around this time last year:

SDWC's top 10 political personalities of 2005
  • 10. State Senator and Mainstream Coalition Executive Director Ed Olson
  • 9. Kate Looby, Executive Director, Planned Parenthood.
  • 8. State Senator Jerry Apa
  • 7. State Senator Brock Greenfield, Executive Director South Dakota Right to Life
  • 6. State Senator and President Pro Tempore Lee Schoenbeck
  • 5. Governor Mike Rounds
  • 4. Congresswoman Stephanie Herseth
  • 3. U.S. Senator John Thune
  • 2. State Senator Stan Adelstein
  • 1. State Senator Bill Napoli
Read why I named them as such here.

A lot of it had to do with who was hot in the political news and why. Already on this list, I see a few who will be back (albeit in different positions) and a few who won't.

Adelstein will likely make it back as he's absolutely dominated political news (whether I like it or not) in Rapid City. My friend Brock? Outside of the SDPTV issue and his primary race, he was not as public this year as he might have been on abortion and other issues last year.

Dang. There's some tough choices here. I may have to make it top 20. I suspect I'll have to add an honorable mention list for this one as well.

What say you?


Anonymous said…
How can Dan Sutton be off of this list, hell, he should be top 5. Boot Brock out. Other than Public Broadcasting, he's been out of the news, replaced by Roger Hunt. Where is Roger hunt?
PP said…
Because it's 2005's list. I'm working on 2006 as I write this.
Anonymous said…
I'm reluctant to admit this, but it's possible that PP himself belongs on this list.
Anonymous said…
I think Frank Kloucek belongs on the list for sure!
Anonymous said…
8:01, hopefully in jail

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