Christmas at the College!

It's Christmas at the SD War College! And I've got the cards to prove it. (and you can click on any of the images to enlarge them).

Here's just a sampling of a few of them I've gotten. First, Governor Mike Rounds' entry into the political Christmas Card soiree':

The Governor's card has a message from the new testament, as well as noting "May the Holiday season bring you joy, peace and hope for the New Year."

Next up... Vice President Dick Cheney's card with a view of the north entrance of the Vice President's House.

This card notes "Our best wishes to you in this holiday season and throughout the year ahead." This one was a real plus for me, because it not only recognized my gender (My Bush card was addressed Ms.) it's a hallmark card, just like the President's:

And the President's card (which Dave Kranz says is selling for $26.01, I'm assuming on eBay), notes "May the light of the season shine bright in your heart now and in the new year."

I think I've got one for Thune running around somewhere, which I'll have to find. I just got his colorful birthday invitation, as well as an Gubernatorial Inaugural invite.

So many social engagements this time of year. I guess I'll have to dig our my best jeans and boots..


Anonymous said…
Hmmm...Merry Holiday to all.
Anonymous said…
Dick Cheney's card is much better than a face full of birdshot.
Anonymous said…
PP, when you get around to it could you pick up those names you just dropped.
Anonymous said…
taxpayer dollars hard at work politicking.....I love it.

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