Redistricting by Judge, part 2
Messin' with incumbents!
I had a few moments to put pen to paper on the districts as drawn by Judge Karen Schreier. There are some incumbents who aren't going to like this. What incumbents are going to be in the districts as written by "The Honorable?" District 21 Senate - Vacant District 26 Senate - Jule Bartling & John Koskan District 27 Senate - Theresa Two Bulls District 21 House - Tom Deadrick & Cooper Garnos District 26a House - Barry Jensen & Paul Valandra District 26b House - Tom Glover District 27 House - Jim Bradford and Vacant So, if this goes through, we'll see Koskan and Bartling head to head, and Barry Jensen against Paul Valandra. Anyone care to handicap those races? Regarding the comments appearing under this post - To Anonymous (#2) - Hold your horsies there pardner.. When I referred to Judge Schreier as "The Honorable" it was not meant in a derogatory or sarcastic manner at at all. My apologies to anyone who took it that I was slamming the judge. I wa...