Rick Hauffe returning to SDDP as Party executive director

Todd Epp over at SD Watch has the scoop that the South Dakota Democratic Party will have a familiar face at the helm.
“Right now, we’re in a three-month interim phase. When we’ve completed that, we’re going to have the most talented group who’s ever worked on our state party staff.”

Returning to the state Democratic Party as executive director is Rick Hauffe, who had served as executive director and legislative director when Democrats gained a state senate majority in 1992. He worked for the state party 1987 to 1997 and then as a consultant in public affairs, communications and fundraising for clients throughout the nation.

A new face to the party’s staff is Ellie Highstreet of Hurley who recently worked as deputy campaign manager for a congressional campaign in Nevada, and who had worked on campaigns for both Sen. Tom Daschle and Sen. Tim Johnson. Highstreet, who also worked as a fundraising consultant in Montana, will serve as the state party’s finance director.

April Reis, who has worked for the state party for several years, will continue working from the S.D. Democratic Party office in Pierre. Billion plans to open an additional office in Sioux Falls in the next month and an office in Rapid City later this year.
Read it all here.

What do I think we can expect? Watch for Rick to focus strongly on the Democrat's legislative races in an attempt to reproduce the 1992 Democratic majority in the State Senate. This announcement is coming at a time when both parties are in a state of flux with new chairmen - one already selected in Billion, and one anticipated in Pierre Republican Karl Adam.

Are we ready for the challenge?


Anonymous said…
Hey, that's one handsome bastard!!! Karl Marx Adam could use some charm lessons from this bad boy!

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