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Anonymous said…
What does anyone know about this guy from a qualifications standpoint? He's a frickin' actor who's got about as much political experience as Obama.
Anonymous said…
I sincerely believe that in 2012, President Rudy Giuliani will win re-election. The public is looking for someone new and genuine. He may not be as conservative on social issues as we would like but he will appoint good judges.
I agree with George Will when he said that Giuliani has one of the most successful conservative records of the last fifty years.
Fred Thompson has a similar appeal but the front-loaded primaries will make his winning nearly impossible.
Anonymous said…
Does any other candidate have a record of accomplishment that even comes close to Giuliani's?
Anonymous said…
hip hip hooray for another B-level actor to lead our great nation.
sure, we could do better. but why bother?
Anonymous said…
anonymous 1:06p
Well, Fred Thompson DOES have 10 years experience as a former US Senator and was a former special counsel to the Governor of Tennesse, as well as minority counsel on the Watergate Committe.
Surely, that must count as at least a little more political experience as Obama!
Anonymous said…
Reagan was a pretty good president, as I recall. Those whole "defeating communism" thing and all.
Anonymous said…
5:21, you forgot to mention that Reagan sent liberals and liberalism reeling. Too bad nobody has shared his vision the past two decades. This country would be much better off.
Anonymous said…
Obama doesn't have the experience and the LAST THING the U.S. NEEDS or for matter of FACT we DON'T need a Clinton in the White House ever again.
Anonymous said…
The Giulianis support traditional marriage. In fact, they have six of them between the two of 'em.
When you look at his record, he's much more liberal than either Tim Johnson or Stephanie Herseth (not to mention Stan Adelstein and the Mainstream Mafia). Why would we want someone like that to carry the banner for our party?
Thompson isn't perfect, but at least he's a Republican...
Anonymous said…
If the GOP elects Giuliani in the primary the democrats will win the White House. The conservative base will stay home and not vote at all. This a risk not worth taking.
The important part of the party will vote for Fred--that is the part with all the voters.
Anonymous said…
"If the GOP elects Giuliani in the primary....the conservative base will stay home."
Giuliani is strong on crime, terrorism, and he's pro-growth. He is a proven leader. I am a pro-life, pro-gun conservative and I will support him. He says that he will chose strict-constructionist judges and, unlike most politicians, I believe him.
If that is not enough, then I suspect that Hillary will give you even more incentive to vote.
Anonymous said…
Great attitude 10:39. Would you really want your pettiness to put Hillary in the White House?
Anonymous said…
I pretty much agree with 7:58. However, the problem I have with the current candidates for President is that not one of them will take a non-politically-correct stand against illegal immigration. Everybody Republican leader from President Bush on down is a pandering wimp on this issue. The only guy who has the guts to tell it like it is would be Tancredo and he doesn't have a chance in h--- of getting anywhere.
Here's some of the information on the Corson County Charges: COUNT I That on or about December of 2005, in the County of Corson, State of South Dakota, Ted Alvin Klaudt did commit the public offense of SECOND DEGREE RAPE (SDCL 22-22-1(2)) in that he did accomplish an act of sexual penetration with his foster daughter, A.M., through the use of force or coercion; and as to COUNT II That on or about July or August of 2006, in the County of Corson, State of South Dakota, Ted Alvin Klaudt did commit the public offense of SECOND DEGREE RAPE (SDCL 22-22-1(2)) in that he did accomplish an act of sexual penetration with his foster daughter, A.M., through the use of force or coercion; and as to COUNT III That on or about July or August of 2006, in the County of Corson, State of South Dakota, Ted Alvin Klaudt did commit the public offense of SECOND DEGREE RAPE (SDCL 22-22-1(2)) in that he did accomplish an act of sexual penetration, separate and distinct from the act alleged in Count II, with...
(Click on letter to enlarge) And while it may not be printed at taxpayer expense, I don't see a disclaimer, either. When they hold the special session (supposedly at the end of November) , since he's left them already, I think his colleagues should expel him from the caucus. Sure. At that point it's only going to be symbolic. But since he's already said he's running again in the near future, sometimes symbolism is enough.
As the only South Dakota blogger out with 5 daughters, I feel I need to weigh in on the whole discussion that's occurring with regards to the HPV vaccine, and Governor Rounds' proposal to make it available. My family (including my three oldest girls) watched my mom, their grandmother, succumb slowly and painfully to cancer which spread throughout her body. If a similar fate from a different type of cancer was preventable through a simple shot, why wouldn't anyone advocate for it? At the age most of my kids are going to be getting it, they're still playing with barbies, and negative influences such as most of the programming on MTV, and other assorted trashy television is verboten in my house. All they're going to know about this vaccination is that it's a shot, just like for teatnus or measles. They'll go "Ow, I don't want a shot," and that will be it. Just another mark on their vaccination record. One check box for DPT, one for HPV, and so on...
I agree with George Will when he said that Giuliani has one of the most successful conservative records of the last fifty years.
Fred Thompson has a similar appeal but the front-loaded primaries will make his winning nearly impossible.
sure, we could do better. but why bother?
Well, Fred Thompson DOES have 10 years experience as a former US Senator and was a former special counsel to the Governor of Tennesse, as well as minority counsel on the Watergate Committe.
Surely, that must count as at least a little more political experience as Obama!
When you look at his record, he's much more liberal than either Tim Johnson or Stephanie Herseth (not to mention Stan Adelstein and the Mainstream Mafia). Why would we want someone like that to carry the banner for our party?
Thompson isn't perfect, but at least he's a Republican...
The important part of the party will vote for Fred--that is the part with all the voters.
Giuliani is strong on crime, terrorism, and he's pro-growth. He is a proven leader. I am a pro-life, pro-gun conservative and I will support him. He says that he will chose strict-constructionist judges and, unlike most politicians, I believe him.
If that is not enough, then I suspect that Hillary will give you even more incentive to vote.