Big jump in the number of people running as of today.

If you're not checking here for your legislative candidate fix, I'm not sure what you're thinking. "The List" as it sits today from the Secretary of State's office:

1 House Democratic Halverson, Clayton 3/16/2006
1 House Democratic Sigdestad, David 3/21/2006
1 Senate Democratic Hanson, Gary D. 2/27/2006
2 House Democratic Dennert, H. Paul 3/21/2006
3 House Republican Novstrup, Al 3/13/2006
3 House Republican Novstrup, David 3/13/2006
4 House Democratic Street, Steve 3/20/2006
4 House Republican Noshbush, Mary E. 3/21/2006
4 House Republican Rausch, Val 3/21/2006
4 Senate Democratic Peterson, Jim 3/21/2006
5 House Republican Faehn, Bob 3/21/2006
5 House Republican Koistinen, Al 3/21/2006
5 Senate Republican Arnold, Dennis 3/17/2006
5 Senate Republican Konold, Claire B. 3/21/2006
6 House Republican Nelson, Paul 3/21/2006
6 House Republican Noem, Kristi 3/13/2006
7 House Republican Tidemann, Larry J. 3/21/2006
8 House Democratic Gassman, David B. 3/21/2006
8 House Democratic Lange, Gerald F. 2/27/2006
9 House Republican Peters, Deb 3/21/2006
10 Senate Republican Abdallah, Gene G. 3/21/2006
10 Senate Republican Alvine, Frank 3/9/2006
11 House Republican Weems, Keri K. 3/21/2006
11 House Republican Willadsen, Mark K 3/21/2006
12 House Republican Steele, Manny 3/21/2006
12 Senate Republican Earley, William F. 3/21/2006
13 Senate Republican Kelly, Dick 3/21/2006
14 House Republican Tornow, R. Shawn 2/27/2006
14 Senate Republican Knudson, Dave 3/20/2006
15 House Democratic Glenski, Mary 3/20/2006
15 House Democratic Miles, Kathleen 3/20/2006
15 Senate Democratic Koetzle, Gil 3/21/2006
16 House Republican Dykstra, Joel D. 3/20/2006
16 Senate Republican Albers, Kenneth D. 3/20/2006
17 House Republican Boomgarden, Jamie M. 3/21/2006
17 House Republican Schafer, Donna 3/21/2006
17 Senate Democratic Nesselhuf, Ben 3/21/2006
18 House Democratic Moore, Garry A. 3/20/2006
18 Senate Republican Hunhoff, Jean 3/20/2006
19 House Libertarian Martin, Alexander 3/6/2006
19 House Republican Jerke, Gary 3/20/2006
20 House Republican Carson, Lance A. 2/9/2006
20 House Republican Vehle, Mike 2/28/2006
20 Senate Republican Olson, Ed 3/21/2006
21 House Republican Deadrick, Thomas J. 3/20/2006
21 House Republican Juhnke, Kent 2/21/2006
22 Senate Republican Hansen, Tom 3/21/2006
23 House Republican Davis, Justin J. 3/21/2006
23 House Republican Hackl, Tom 3/20/2006
24 House Republican Olson, Ryan P. 3/15/2006
25 House Democratic Kroger, Mike 3/21/2006
25 House Republican Ammon, Greg 2/27/2006
25 House Republican Rave, Tim 1/24/2006
25 Senate Republican Kooistra, Clarence 3/13/2006
26 Senate Republican Koskan, John 3/21/2006
26A House Democratic Lucas, Larry J. 2/24/2006
26B House Democratic Glover, Thomas J. 2/21/2006
27 House Democratic Bradford, Jim 3/21/2006
28 Senate Republican Klaudt, Ted A. 3/21/2006
28 Senate Republican Wetz, Kenneth 3/16/2006
28A House Democratic Van Norman, Thomas 3/21/2006
28B House Republican Drown, Bob 1/20/2006
28B House Republican Olson, Betty 2/7/2006
29 House Republican Brunner, Thomas J. 3/21/2006
29 House Republican Hunter, Ray 3/15/2006
29 House Republican LaRue, Maurice 2/28/2006
29 Senate Republican McNenny, Kenneth 3/21/2006
30 House Republican Pederson, Gordon 2/13/2006
30 Senate Republican Lintz, Jim 3/21/2006
31 House Republican Hills, Tom 3/21/2006
31 House Republican Turbiville, Charles M. 3/6/2006
31 Senate Republican Apa, Jerry 3/1/2006
32 Senate Republican Adelstein, Stanford M. 2/22/2006
33 House Republican Buckingham, Michael 3/20/2006
33 House Republican Van Etten, Don 3/6/2006
34 House Republican McLaughlin, Ed 3/20/2006
34 Senate Republican McCracken, Royal "Mac" 2/13/2006
35 House Republican Kirkeby, Mark 1/26/2006
35 Senate Republican McCoy, Alice L 3/21/2006
35 Senate Republican Napoli, William "Bill" 3/21/2006

As you can see, the McCoy/Napoli Race is officially "on" as of today. So is the Claire Konold/Dennis Arnold Senate Primary. There's going to continue to be lots more, so stay tuned.


Anonymous said…
mccoy has no chance. People who like Bill vote for Bill and people who don't like him will vote for him because he still gets things done. His work on Amendment D far outweighs his controversial statements on HB 1215.
Anonymous said…
It's Nosbush in Dist 4, not Noshbush. About 10 years ago she was married to Phil Trieb, but she has been re-married for several years.

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