The Mac Attack is back. Actually, Senator McCracken announces that he's running again.

From the Rapid City Journal:
Royal "Mac" McCracken announced Monday that he is seeking a fourth term in the South Dakota Senate representing District 34, which includes much of Rapid City west of Sheridan Lake Road. McCracken serves as chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee and is on the Senate Transportation and State Affairs committees. During past terms in office, he was elected and served as the Senate majority whip (2001-2002); assistant majority leader of the Senate (2003-2004); and on the executive board of the Legislative Research Council (2001-2004).

Nationally, McCracken serves as an elected member of the executive committee of the National Conference of State Legislatures; on the executive committee of the Task Force on State and Local Taxation of Telecommunications and Electronic Commerce; as past chairman and current member of the Standing Committee on Communications, Technology and Interstate Commerce; and as a South Dakota delegate for the Streamlined Sales Tax of Implementing States.

"I'm excited, energized and ready to serve the people of District 34 for another term," McCracken said in a news release. "For the past six years, I've had the privilege of being part of decisions on issues that greatly impact the citizens of this state. I want to continue to do what I can to improve the lives of South Dakotans."
Read it all here.


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