Dave is looking like he's back in.

Fron today's Argusleader.com:
Sioux Falls Mayor Dave Munson said Thursday that he would re-enter the mayor’s race, provided that he collects enough signatures to qualify for the ballot.

Mayoral and City Council candidates must submit at least 200 signatures of registered Sioux Falls voters by today at 5 p.m. The election is April 11.

“If I have the correct amount of signatures that are verified, then I will run,” Munson said.

The decision comes a month and a half after he dropped out of the race
Read it all here.


Anonymous said…
who is this Billion guy? people say he's getting in the gov's race
Anonymous said…
Munson = old news...what's going on with guv's race? hope Billion gets in because he can beat rounds
Anonymous said…
Yeah, Dave Billion could beat Rounds.
Anonymous said…
On the wiki, which I couldn't figure out how to reply to(stupid me), Glover can't run in both 21 and 26.

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