Here we go again... Another ballot measure

It looks like it's time to add yet another page to the Ballot. The pro-choice advocates have added yet another ballot initiative to our plate (as if anyone thought they wouldn't).

Notwithstanding Planned Parenthood Director Kate Looby's promise to decide by next week, a measure to refer HB 1215 has now been filed with the Secretary of State as a measure circulating in South Dakota.

Click here for the text of the ballot measure
(.pdf alert)

Noah Beck Hahn-Walter, in addition to having a long name, represents the Basic Abortion Rights Network out of Waukesha, Wisconsin. He filed the notification of circulation today. Whomever is circulating it needs 16,728 signatures turned in within 90 days after adjournment of legislature.

And the election rolls on....


Anonymous said…
this is just the beginning of the invasion of out of state liberals who never met an abortion they didn't like...
Anonymous said…
Good for you Deb K., ride that 30% poll number right into the ground.
Anonymous said…
deb k, you are correct. The ACLU and Planned (non)Parenthood will focus all of their resources, including their other front groups, on South Dakota to quash this outburst by the minority that elected the majority that voted for this measure. When South Dakota loses, the ACLU and PPoA will get their legal fees reimbursed. So they have nothing to lose. As flawed as RvW is, a better strategy needs to be, and will be, constructed. Hang in there.
Anonymous said…
I wonder if the rise in ballot measures is a reaction to the fabulous job done in Pierre this past session...
Anonymous said…
There is no such group (try doing a Google search on Basic-Abortion-Rights Network or Noah Beck Hahn-Walter). Either this guy is doing it on his own or (as I'm betting) this is actually an anti-abortion stunt intended to rally the faithful.
Anonymous said…
I checked the search engines too. There is no group registered under that name. It was an attempt on the part of the pro-life side to start the clock in order for it to run out.
Anonymous said…
I would like to understand who decision it will be to go forward with a petition. Is it Planned Parenthood and Kate Looby or is the people of the State.
Anonymous said…
Leslie Unruh was on KELO tonight complaining about an out of state concern taking out petitions. Apparently she's forgotten her husband is one of the prime sponsers of the JAIL out of state initiative?

Ooops. Too funny.

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