WIKI Updated, Kraus outs herself in favor of Lust

I noticed how incredibly far behind I've gotten on keeping the WIKI up when I looked at it tonight. So, I've gone in and done quite a bit of editing on it. Click here, read, and update at your leisure.

And a big thanks to those that have been updating it - I did notice that Democratic PUC Candidate Steve Kolbeck has a website up now, so I'll have to go over and see what he has out there.

What prompted this was that I noticed that Representative Elizabeth Kraus has unexpectedly pulled out of the legislative races. Check out this snippet from Celeste Calvitto's Column in today's Rapid City Journal:

Even before the 2006 session of the South Dakota Legislature began - and before she became a local lightning rod for HB1215 - Rep. Elizabeth Kraus, R-Rapid City, had been thinking about not running for re-election.

On Monday, citing "other priorities in my family and personal life," Kraus confirmed her decision not to seek a third term as a District 34 representative.

"I've been thinking about it for awhile," she said.

Kraus, who served as a majority whip in the 2006 legislative session, said she was grateful to the voters for allowing her "to be involved in decisions that will affect the future of South Dakota and our nation."
Now that Representative Kraus has bowed out... Celeste also tells us in her place we can expect Lust. David Lust.
David Lust, a partner in the Rapid City law firm of Gunderson Palmer Goodsell & Nelson, will make a formal announcement of his candidacy this week.

"It is time my generation stepped up and participated in the process," Lust, 37, said Monday, adding that it is sometimes difficult for people to have the time to participate. "I am in a circumstance to do that," he said.

Lust said he has already circulated petitions and is ready to send them in.
If he drops his petitions in the dirt, does that mean we have "Lust in the Dust?" (....ok, that was bad)

David, congratulations on joining the campaign trail from the SDWC, and Representative Kraus, thank you for your service to South Dakota.


Anonymous said…
pp, you just couldn't resist, could you!

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