Another Republican jumps in the District 35 House Race

From today's Rapid City Journal:

RAPID CITY - Dale Gunderson, a retired Rapid City physician, announced that he is a candidate in District 35 for the Republican nomination to the state House of Representatives.

“As I walk our neighborhoods during the campaign, I am looking forward to listening to the concerns of the people in our district,” he said.

Gunderson began his practice in Rapid City in 1993, treating health problems of the ear, nose and throat. He retired in 2004 but has continued practicing as a volunteer physician at Rapid City Community Health Clinics and Children’s Care Rehab and Development Center, where he is participating in the development of a clinic focused on the treatment of children’s feeding disorders.

“It is time to elect new leaders to the Legislature with fresh ideas,” Gunderson said. “I will be an advocate for public-health issues and for quality and available health care. Because I am a physician who was in private practice and continue to be a physician volunteer and medical missionary, I have the necessary insight and experience to give a strong voice for patient care in South Dakota as I represent district 35 in Pierre.”

Read the whole thing here


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