As it stands tonight

As of 8:30 tonight - here's what's been turned in and recorded by the Secretary of State:

Race District Chamber Party Name City

Libertarian Gerber, Tom Sturgis

Republican Rounds, Mike Pierre

Democratic Billion, Jack Sioux Falls

Wiese, Dennis J. Flandreau
Legislature 1 House Democratic Halverson, Clayton Veblen

Sigdestad, David Pierpont

Republican Iverson, Rory Sisseton

Senate Democratic Hanson, Gary D. Sisseton

Republican Johnson, Wade A. Sisseton

2 House Democratic Dennert, H. Paul Columbia

Elliott, Burt Aberdeen

Graham, John Mansfield

Republican Layman, Scott Barnard

Lorenz, Jim Aberdeen

Senate Democratic Hundstad, Jim Bath

Republican Johnson, Brian G. Frankfort

3 House Democratic Black, Thomas E. Aberdeen

Newquist, David L. Aberdeen

Republican Novstrup, Al Aberdeen

Novstrup, David Aberdeen

Senate Democratic Kneebone, Ted Aberdeen

Republican Latterell, Isaac Aberdeen

Sutton, Duane Ormun Aberdeen

4 House Democratic Street, Steve Revillo

Republican Nosbush, Mary E. Gary

Rausch, Val Big Stone City

Senate Democratic Peterson, Jim Revillo

Republican Diedrich, Larry Elkton

5 House Democratic Howlett, Dale Watertown

Mittelstedt, Rich Watertown

Republican Faehn, Bob Watertown

Koistinen, Al Watertown

Senate Democratic Turbak, Nancy J. Watertown

Republican Arnold, Dennis Watertown

Konold, Claire B. Watertown

6 House Democratic Soren, Jason Lake Preston

Whites, Ron Iroquois

Republican Nelson, Paul Hetland

Noem, Kristi Castlewood

Stormo, Samantha Hayti

Senate Democratic Foster, Ron Estelline

Republican Greenfield, Brock L. Clark

Holbeck, James Clark

7 House Democratic Horton, Joshua Brookings

Republican Pitts, Carol A. Brookings

Tidemann, Larry J. Brookings

Senate Democratic Widvey, Harold Brookings

Republican Smidt, Orville B. Brookings

8 House Democratic Gassman, David B. Canova

Lange, Gerald F. Madison

Republican Olson, Russell Madison

Scofield, Sue Wentworth

Senate Democratic Sutton, Dan Flandreau

Republican Toates, John Flandreau

9 House Democratic Engels, Richard A. Hartford

Roberts, Elaine A. Sioux Falls

Republican Dressen, Katy Sioux Falls

Peters, Deb Hartford

Senate Democratic Nielson, Paul Sioux Falls

Spader, Duane Sioux Falls

Republican Dempster, Tom Sioux Falls

10 House Democratic Giebink, Mary Ann Sioux Falls

Kielman, Rich Brandon

Republican Hunt, Roger Brandon

Krebs, Shantel Sioux Falls

Senate Democratic Sietstra, Philip G. Sioux Falls

Republican Abdallah, Gene G. Sioux Falls

Alvine, Frank Sioux Falls

11 House Democratic Moran, Lance Sioux Falls

Williams, Marie Y Sioux Falls

Republican Weems, Keri K. Sioux Falls

Willadsen, Mark K Sioux Falls

Senate Constitution Bartlett, D. Scott Sioux Falls

Democratic Cradduck, Rebekah A. Sioux Falls

Republican Gant, Jason M. Sioux Falls

12 House Democratic Kniffen, Gregory Sioux Falls

Nathanson, Jessica Sioux Falls

Steensland, Craig Sioux Falls

Libertarian Anderson, John I. Sioux Falls

Republican Henkin, Ann Sioux Falls

Steele, Manny Sioux Falls

Wick, Hal Sioux Falls

Senate Democratic Jerstad, Sandy Sioux Falls

Republican Earley, William F. Sioux Falls

13 House Democratic Blake, Susan Sioux Falls

Thompson, Bill Sioux Falls

Republican Gourley, Richard W. Sioux Falls

Heineman, Phyllis M. Sioux Falls

Souter, Bob Sioux Falls

Senate Democratic Heidepriem, Scott N. Sioux Falls

Republican Kelly, Dick Sioux Falls

14 House Democratic Feinstein, Marc Sioux Falls

Republican Cutler, Joni Sioux Falls

Tornow, R. Shawn Sioux Falls

Senate Constitution Scott, William L. Sioux Falls

Democratic Berggren, Roger Sioux Falls

Republican Knudson, Dave Sioux Falls

15 House Democratic Glenski, Mary Sioux Falls

Miles, Kathleen Sioux Falls

Republican Allis, Gregory P. Sioux Falls

Scholten, Vince Sioux Falls

Senate Democratic Koetzle, Gil Sioux Falls

Republican Weis "Tammy", Tamera Sioux Falls

16 House Democratic Gillespie, Margaret V. Hudson

Jenkins, Ron North Sioux City

Republican Dykstra, Joel D. Canton

Lederman, Daniel Dakota Dunes

Senate Republican Albers, Kenneth D. Canton

17 House Democratic Norin, Patricia A. Centerville

Nygaard, Eldon E. Vermillion

Republican Boomgarden, Jamie M. Chancellor

Schafer, Donna Vermillion

Senate Democratic Nesselhuf, Ben Vermillion

Republican Adams, Nathan J. Vermillion

18 House Democratic Gleich, Robert J. Utica

Moore, Garry A. Yankton

Republican Gilson, Charlotte "Charlii" Yankton

Senate Democratic Rossiter, Peter A. Yankton

Republican Hunhoff, Jean Yankton

19 House Democratic Hornstra, Ronnie Avon

Schutt, Dennis J. Parkston

Libertarian Martin, Alexander Scotland

Republican Jerke, Gary Tripp

Putnam, J.E. "Jim" Armour

Senate Democratic Kloucek, Frank J. Scotland

Republican Hauck, John P. Tabor

20 House Democratic Steele, Susan N. Plankinton

Republican Carson, Lance A. Mitchell

Vehle, Mike Mitchell

Senate Democratic Kelly, Craig R. Mitchell

Republican Olson, Ed Mitchell

21 House Democratic Kastner, Diane L. Kennebec

Reis, David Oacoma

Republican Deadrick, Thomas J. Platte

Juhnke, Kent Vivian

Senate Democratic Niles, Mahylen D. Chamberlain

Republican Garnos, Cooper Presho

22 House Democratic Burg, Quinten L. Wessington Springs

Hargens, Dale Miller

Republican Dean, Richard C. Wessington Springs

Haeder, Joshua R Huron

Senate Republican Hansen, Tom Huron

23 House Republican Davis, Justin J. Ipswich

Hackl, Tom Hoven

Senate Republican Duenwald, Jay L. Hoven

24 House Republican Olson, Ryan P. Onida

Rounds, Tim G. Pierre

Senate Republican Gray, Bob Pierre

25 House Democratic Bauermeister, Rick Dell Rapids

Kroger, Mike Dell Rapids

Republican Ammon, Greg Dell Rapids

Rave, Tim Baltic

Senate Republican Kooistra, Clarence Garretson

26 Senate Democratic Bartling, Julie Burke

Simpson, John J. Hamill

Wright, Sherman D. Mission

Republican Koskan, John Wood

26A House Democratic Lucas, Larry J. Mission

Republican Jensen, Barry White River

26B House Democratic Glover, Thomas J. Burke

Republican Vanneman, Kim L. Ideal

27 House Democratic Bradford, Jim Pine Ridge

Williams, Gene S. Interior

Republican Broken Nose, Maxine Pine Ridge

DeVries, Mark Belvidere

Senate Democratic Two Bulls, Theresa (Huck) Pine Ridge

Republican Hanrahan, Craig L. Philip

28 Senate Democratic Emery, Steve McLaughlin

Maher, Ryan Isabel

Republican Heck, Gerry Isabel

Klaudt, Ted A. Walker

Wetz, Kenneth Newell

28A House Democratic Van Norman, Thomas J. Eagle Butte

Republican Hunt, Everett Eagle Butte

28B House Republican Drown, Bob Bison

Olson, Betty Prairie City

29 House Republican Brunner, Thomas J. Nisland

Hunter, Ray Sturgis

LaRue, Maurice Sturgis

Rhoden, Larry Union Center

Senate Republican McNenny, Kenneth Sturgis

30 House Democratic Bloomer, Jerry Hot Springs

Brown, Franz K Hot Springs

Hanson, Rick Custer

Republican Howie, Gordon Rapid City

Pederson, Gordon Wall

Senate Democratic Ratliff, Catherine Hot Springs

Republican Lintz, Jim Hermosa

31 House Democratic Paris, Dinah Lead

Libertarian Ager, Andre Spearfish

Republican Hills, Tom Spearfish

Turbiville, Charles M. Deadwood

Senate Independent Ballert, Karen Lead

Republican Apa, Jerry Lead

32 House Democratic Hemmingsen, Pamela K Rapid City

Nolan, Suzan Rapid City

Republican Dreyer, Brian Rapid City

Hanks, Alan Rapid City

Senate Constitution Lautenschlager, Daniel Rapid City

Democratic Katus, Tom Rapid City

Republican Adelstein, Stanford M. Rapid City

Schwiesow, Elli Rapid City

33 House Democratic Long Fox, Paula Rapid City

Loudner, Gary Black Hawk

Nelsen, Jeff Rapid City

Republican Buckingham, Michael Rapid City

Van Etten, Don Rapid City

Senate Democratic Finch, Dennis Rapid City

Republican Duniphan, J.P. Rapid City

Schmidt, Dennis Rapid City

34 House Democratic Clayborne, Courtney R. Rapid City

Republican Lust, David Rapid City

McLaughlin, Ed Rapid City

Senate Republican McCracken, Royal "Mac" Rapid City

35 House Democratic Wudtke, Laurie Rapid City

Republican Gunderson, Dale E. Rapid City

Haverly, Jeffrey Rapid City

Hendrickson, Lyle Rapid City

Kirkeby, Mark Rapid City

Senate Republican McCoy, Alice L Rapid City

Napoli, William "Bill" Rapid City
US Rep

Democratic Herseth, Stephanie Sioux Falls

Libertarian Rudebusch, Larry Bruce


Publisher said…
So the Republicans have a monopoly on District 23-Again!
Oh well, it could be worse!
Haggs said…
Wait, there isn't a Republican running against Herseth? That's interesting.

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