That's a pretty good one.

I'm still giggling.

Two weeks ago I did a post on Frank Alvine who is running for District 10 State Senate against Senator Gene Abdallah in the Primary. And I brought up the fact that the URL (Internet Address) that was being advertised didn't appear to be registered at all.

I made the smart alecky comment that "If I had decided to purchase the website being advertised, all I would need is my credit card, and I'm good to go. THE SITE WOULD BE MINE. That would really stink if it was your opponent purchasing it."

I saw that Alvine's announcement was in the paper in Harrisburg this week, so I went and checked out the old URL just to look at his website.

So, I enter, and what did I see?

That's right, someone registered the URL and pointed it here to the South Dakota War College. Which gave me one of the best laughs I've had in a while. Whoever did it, has a pretty good sense of humor. I tried looking it up, and it isn't publicly available through a "whois" search. But whomever it is, it's darned funny.

For the real thing, you can go to (Too bad the other one was taken.)


Anonymous said…
Try this

Created: 23-mar-2006
Expires: 23-mar-2007
Status: ACTIVE

Craft & Associates
po Box 88337
Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57109
United States

Registered through:
Created on: 23-Mar-06
Expires on: 23-Mar-07
Last Updated on: 23-Mar-06

Administrative Contact:
Craft, Terry
Craft & Associates
po Box 88337
Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57109
United States
6053349558 Fax --

Technical Contact:
Craft, Terry
Craft & Associates
po Box 88337
Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57109
United States
6053349558 Fax --
PP said…
No, I meant who registered the to point to me.
Anonymous said…
Hey PP,
A few hits (comments) from the Catholic bashing comments by Looby.
It's easy to see what gets attention and what doesn't these days.

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