Dueling abortion petitions. (Did I miss this one?)

I finally noticed tonight that on 3/24 the local SD forces in favor of Abortion filed a referral petition to replace the petition from the outside group that had filed for circulating a referendum petition on abortion (HB 1215, specifically).

Dr. Maria Bell who served on this summer's task force to study abortion is the named sponsor of the most recent referral measure.


Anonymous said…
I believe that should read March 24.
Anonymous said…
Maria is an old McGovern campaigner, and if you look on the petition, the group is the Hildebrand front group made up of old Daschle staffers. These people finally found something they think they can win
Anonymous said…
Maria is a doctor who is concerned about the effect an abortion ban will have on women.
Anonymous said…
If she is really a doctor she should be more concerned about the effect the abortions will have, and have had on women (not to mention the children).
Anonymous said…
I find it remarkable that readers of this site call into question the medical credentials of OBGYN Dr. Bell, while relying on chiropractor Allen Unruh.
Anonymous said…
Wow, the conspiracy theories sure come out of the woodwork. Could is possibly be that Dr. Bell as a doctor or as a person felt this issue was important enough and being an OB/GYN she needed to speak up?
Not everything is a Daschle/Thune conspiracy.
Anonymous said…
Considering her age, I have a hard time believing Dr. Bell was an old McGovern campaigner, unless she was doing it in diapers.

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