Stephanie's Dream House.
(Accessories sold separately)

I'll bet she's not telling us what house she bought because then we'll see how she keeps her lawn. It's going to get pretty long between congressional breaks. And the darn papers are going to pile up. From the Brookings Register, please see the article below.

*update* In the 10 minutes since I posted this, my wife taunted me as I laid down in bed - she believes she has the location. If I had bought the first house I looked at which was for sale by owner, we'd literally be neighbors. As it is, the local gossip has her located a mere five or so blocks from me.

Actually, if the rumor holds true, she would be closer to progressive republican's House. As it is, the rumored house supposedly is just a straight shot up the street from me on 17th Avenue South.

I'm wondering about the whole secrecy thing in the article below. Isn't all that stuff recorded at the register of deeds office? As public information. As in, the public can go look at who bought a house, and for how much, and where it's located. In Pierre, they print all those land transfers and locations in the newspaper. I'm not sure if they do that here, but either way, it's going to be the worst kept secret in town.

So, a Democratic Congresswoman is moving just up the street. There goes the neighborhood.

(apologies for the retyping. I hate to just post entire articles like j-ro does, but it's not on the net. Please patronize the Brookings Register. It's actually a pretty good paper.)

Herseth puts down roots in Brookings

The highway signs proclaim Brookings as of U.S. Representative Stephanie Herseth.

And Brookings has indeed been the address of record for the South Dakota Congresswoman since January of 2003, when' she leased an apartment here during her tenure as executive director of the Farmers Union Foundation.

Now, however, she's strengthening her ties to the community that bills itself as "Someplace Special."

Herseth's communications director Russ Levsen confirmed this week that Herseth is about to become a Brookings homeowner.
'She's found a place, and she's excited," Levsen said. "Yes, this will be her permanent residence."

An offer has apparently been made and accepted, and Levsen says plans are to close on the property, sometime in October.

"She'll move in shortly after 'that,' he said.

For Herseth's own privacy, and for that of her neighbors, the address of the new home is not being disclosed, but it is within Brookings city limits.

Levsen says the congresswoman "just needed a little more space," and with her two elections behind her, this was a good time to make the move from apartment to house.

"She needs a place to unpack her bags and do her laundry," Levsen said with a laugh. He pointed out that when Congress was in session, Herseth returned to her home state as often as three or four weekends every month, and during the August recess, she spent the entire month traveling the state.

Herseth is a native of northeastern South Dakota. She was born in Houghton and graduated from high school at Groton, about 130 miles northwest of' Brookings. (Both communities are near Aberdeen.)

In addition to her work with the Farmers Union in Brookings, Herseth also taught courses in politics and political campaigns at South Dakota State.


Douglas said…
Well, Brookings is a nice place with good old streets and houses and beautiful trees and is small enough that no matter where you live, you might be able to say Stephanie Herseth is your neighbor.

That may turn out to be more interesting than having a sign at the edge of town for Larry Pressler or John Thune..for that matter.

You might see if Herseth has a photo that she thinks would be nice for blogs like ours...unless of course you good Republican operatives are still searching for one of her picking her nose like that used by GOP-leaning SD papers when they could not otherwise avoid putting in a picture of George McGovern.

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