Err... Do I really have to follow the Bladder Health show?
Judy Olson, you're next

From a news release today from the SDDP:
Tomorrow, November 22, SDDP Chairwoman Judy Olson Duhamel will be interviewed by Chuck Beck on South Dakota Public Radio at 7:30 AM and 5:30 PM CST. It is a feature about the future of the South Dakota Democratic Party. If you miss the interview check our website for links to listen.
I'm not kidding either. Today it was a program on Bladder Health. Tomorrow, it's Judy Olson with the South Dakota Democratic Party. I'm going to stop right there, because my humor will probably dip lower than it needs to be.

When you get up to 18 or 19 people reading, you have to be more responsible, you know.

I'll have to tune in as I get on the road to Brookings tomorrow night. I'll be curious to hear how many legislative seats they project they will have filled.


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