Governor to appear on Fox & Friends

Set your clocks. Governor Rounds is appearing on the national TV program Fox & Friends tomorrow AM between 7 and 7:30.


Anonymous said…
Yip yip yip yip yahoo. I'd rather watch the network that runs 24-hour coverage of grass growing.
Anonymous said…
Is that central or mountain time? And what is he talking about? Prieksat? HPV vaccine? Minimum wage? What?
PP said…
I believe he's talking about homestake, etc.
Anonymous said…
Maybe he'll get to put in a plug about how humans are intesifying the global warming that is taking place all around us. He can point to solid data. After all, three-four weeks ago it was more than 20 degrees below zero, and yesterday, it was 60+ degrees. Oh my, M. Mike, at this rate, we'll burn up by April 6th!
Anonymous said…
It's very possible they will quiz him on his latest statements about human caused global warming. The media is always hunting for dummkopf republicans -- you know, country club republicans. -- that they can use to promote their harmful leftwing agendas. Like their doing now with Sanunu and the phony non-scandal of U.S. Attorney fireings. And Mike R. is a country clubber.
Anonymous said…
oh, that's Sununu.
Anonymous said…
A do-nothing Republican appearing on Fox... alert the media
Anonymous said…
That's Central Time, right???
Anonymous said…
I wonder if his voice will be especially high-pitched and soft that early in the morning.
Anonymous said…
Yes, if he's been exposed to the Mrs. Bill Clinton Testical Lock Box.
Anonymous said…
Was he on? What did he say?
Anonymous said…
10:14, hard to believe, but apparently nobody saw it. Not for lack of interest, though...oh, wait...yeah, it was for lack of interest. For those of us up & watching TV at that time of the day, there were dozens of more enlightening shows Spongebob.
Anonymous said…
I watched FOX but didn't see Rounds on there, maybe missed it. Yes, I did tune in to see our Gov on there.

3:21 had a message that sure explains a lot. He finds shows like Spongebob to be enlightening. No wonder the libs are in such sad shape. My kids used to watch that before their teen years.
Anonymous said…
10:29, I'm the 3:21 you were speaking to, & I'm not a lib. Far from it! Rounds, on the other hand is. And if you subscribe to his brand of politics, so are you.
Anonymous said…
I also tuned in to watch the Gov but didn't see him...perhaps I missed it too? Can somebody please answer the question of whether he was on and what he talked about???
Anonymous said…
Perhaps they pre-empted him because even though his lips moved and noises came out, he didn't actually say anything edifying.

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