April 19th
This Thursday, April 19th, marks the 14th anniversary of the crash of the state airplane which killed Governor George Mickelson and seven others.
On that day, please take a moment to remember them, and all the others who selflessly serve to forward the interest of South Dakota as a whole - be it in government or the business community.
On that day, please take a moment to remember them, and all the others who selflessly serve to forward the interest of South Dakota as a whole - be it in government or the business community.
I remember getting the phone call, I just could not believe what I was being told.
Do you all remember the transfer across the state for his final rest.
More memories...
Thanks for the reminder PP - don't forget our buddies Rolly and Angus and the other fine folks on that plane too.
Todd Epp
Nice to see you typing some.