More on Ted Klaudt rape/sexual assault story
The Argus has the story on their website now, and a few more details:

He faces four counts of second-degree rape involving two girls, according to an arrest warrent and complaint filed this morning in Hughes County Circuit Court.Read that here.
Two of the rape counts date to March 2005 and a third one involving the same victim is alleged to have occured in January, according to the court records.
A fourth rape count involves a second girl, the records indicate.
It cannot easily escape one's attention that this is an individual who readily ponied up to the anti-choice bar to co-sponsor and support HB 1215. While HB1215 is history and has gone to its well-deserved grave, one cannot really avoid thinking about the implications of a bill that would so ham-handedly deal with the issues of rape and incest.
I have no doubt that Klaudt and many, many others like him have a hard time fathoming any harm whatsoever done to these young victims. After all, they weren't virgins. They weren't brutally sodomized. They may not have been saving themselves for marriage. And, by Gosh and by Golly, they may not even have been Christians.
So, all you misogynistic South Dakotans, rest easy because Mr. Klaudt really didn't do these girls any harm and he was just trying to help them out.
Look forward to more legislative action by privileged people (primarily men) in power that will also fail to take any notice of the desperate economic and social circumstances in which young women find themselves in this state.
And where in our public education sex education courses does one find the "home fertility test and egg extraction" procedures??
Say what you want. At least I'm not Ted Klaudt. Although I wield klaudt.
And what do you mean, "I weild klaudt" ? This is about the dumbest thing I've heard. Such sophisticated political one even more faith in the vast intellectual capabilities of our esteemed legislators.