Congress Daily: Congresswoman Herseth Sandlin "less stalwart" on Immigration

According to the inside the beltway magazine Congress Daily, Congresswoman Herseth Sandlin seems to be breaking from her fellow Blue Dog Democrats who oppose legalization for illegal immigrants because.. she says South Dakotans are "practical" on the issue?
Among Blue Dogs, "there's no real consensus" on immigration policy, according to Rep. Gene Taylor, D-Miss. Taylor, along with Reps. Jim Marshall, D-Ga., John Tanner, D-Tenn., Mike Ross, D-Ark., and Heath Shuler, D-N.C., are among the Blue Dogs who will oppose any comprehensive immigration bill because they believe legalization opportunities for illegal immigrants constitutes "amnesty."

But other Blue Dogs are less stalwart about their opposition. Rep. Stephanie Herseth Sandlin, D-S.D., said her constituents are "practical" about immigration policy. " They can be realistic about the people already here," understanding that it is unlikely they will all be deported.

Herseth Sandlin has her own reasons for supporting a new immigration policy. In South Dakota , dairy farmers are scrambling for low-skilled workers, she said. Unlike other agricultural employers, dairy farmers rely on their labor all year round, she said. An administration proposal for renewable low-skill work visas that would only last through part of a year would not meet those farmers' needs.
Read it all here (Subscription Required). What's with the continued "Pelosification" of Congresswoman Herseth? First global warming and melting glaciers, and now this?

So what are we to take from the amorphous statement? That Herseth Sandlin seemingly appears to support amnesty for illegal immigrants already here because dairy farmers need workers?

I have a hard time with this, because there are thousands of people who emigrate legally every year. Why should we reward the rule-breakers?

Better to secure our borders than to go "oops, we missed you as you snuck in. Have a cookie."


Anonymous said…
Down with Herseth!
This shows HOW MUCH she DOESN"T KNOW about SD and one more of many reasons she should have never been elected!
Are people waking up yet!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
is there a bigger sell-out that Herseth-Sandlin? i mean, my God, first she cuts funds for troops at war, then she trots off to the North Pole with Nancy Pelosi, and now she opening our borders to illegals. never again will i vote for Sandlin-Herseth
Anonymous said…
"Pelosification" is the best word I've heard for it PP. Well said. Anyone who would openly ignore and flaunt our immigration laws deserves our scorn.
Anonymous said…
Thanks Stephie for promoting the breaking of the law and chaos on the border.

Maybe you should worry more about the hole in the border and less about the holes you visit at the North Pole.
Anonymous said…
She should have moved to LA or even better San Fran it seems more her style!
Anonymous said…
If only the general public sentiment matched that expressed on SDWC...

The fact is, SHS will destroy any competitor the Republicans put up in her next election, as she did in her last election.

You guys are the lunatic fringe here. You know that, right?
Anonymous said…
can we vote to recall this phony baloney woman?

she told me in 2006 that she supported a very conservative immigration law being debated and now she's doing this! she lied to me
Anonymous said…
9:59 a NO you are WRONG!

You see, we KNOW the TRUTH about her.

ALSO, she has yet to show all the truth of her colors. Give it time it is coming she has just NOT gone full flow yet!
Anonymous said…

Thank you for proving my point.


Anonymous said…
I think the HersethSandlin apologists on this site are funny. They know HersethSandlin is sinking fast but are in denial.
Anonymous said…

Go back and read all the comments about Herseth before the 2006 election -- all of the predictions on this site about how once she was "exposed" the people would revolt against her... all of the "examples" of how she was just a liberal in a moderate's cloting... how she was just a typical John Kerry liberal...

And then go back and look at the election results.

There's a reason that Dusty Johnson and everyone else in their right mind is avoiding running against her...
Anonymous said…
10:32 --

Yeah, I remember all of the "she's a tool of EMILY's List" and "she's just another Hillary Clinton" comments from 2006. Just before she got 70% of the vote.

I think they've pulled out the same playbook from last year, just replaced "EMILY's List" and "Hillary Clinton" with "Nancy Pelosi."

And it'll work just as well.
Anonymous said…
I hope that all the people who war spewing venom at SHS over this realize that this is George Bush’s bill.
Anonymous said…
For everyone on this site who believes Herseth Sandlin "tricked" the voters when she first ran for office, and then started voting against South Dakota, and that she's "sinking," it might make sense to look at some cold hard facts. For example, her share of the vote (from

June 2004 Special Election -- 50.57%
November 2004 General Election -- 53.36%
November 2006 General Election -- 69.09%

That doesn't exactly look like sinking to me.
Anonymous said…
10:41 raises a good point. Are PP and the far-right fringe really going to convince the people of South Dakota that Herseth Sandlin is too liberal for South Dakota because she sides with George Bush on immigration?

She can actually use this bill as another example of how she works in a bipartisan manner. A thirty second ad that says "Stephanie worked with George Bush on a bipartisan solution to the immigration crisis" helps her much more than it hurts her. Sure the GOP base doesn't like it, but that's about it. And they won't vote for her anyway...
Anonymous said…
That does it. This is one Republican who will never vote for her again (as I have in the past). Even my own party is letting me down on this. Too bad the only guy running for President who has the guts to stand up on this issue (Tancredo) doesn't have a snowball's chance. Anyway, Ms. Herseth Sandlin, you blew it. Big time.
Anonymous said…
"There you go again..." RR
Anonymous said…
10:45, what great spin doctor you are. Fell right into the talking points that her staff has certainly put together. And you are wrong. I am a Republican and voted for her before, but you can bet I won't now. And she can't win without some GOP votes.
Anonymous said…
10:41. This is as much or more Ted Kennedy's bill and GWB is going along with it, to the chagrin of most Republicans and most people in the country.

As for the poster who quoted statistics showing how many people voted for Herseth last time around, this will be a new election with new issues, and people are not happy with her vote on this. Trying to make this a bipartisan vote on her part and working with GWB is not going to cut it this time around. As for dairy farmers needing illegals year round as her basis for voting thus, give me a break. There aren't that many dairy farmers in SD employing or needing illegals to justify this vote. Might sound good to Herseth, but it ain't so.

She won't find it so easy to win next time around. Just look at the Reps on this blog who said that are through with her. This amnesty bill is a huge thing to most voters, and legislators who ignore that fact do so at their own political peril. Except of course for the illegal vote they will be gaining if this bill passes!
Anonymous said…
Here is a question for all the political junkies on this blog. WHY ARE REPUBLICANS DOING THIS TO US ON ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION??? Excluding the so-called humanitarian reasons, if by some miracle these illegals do become citizens, they are going to vote Democrat anyway. WHAT IS GOING ON? Is it political correctness gone wild or something else? This is an honest question to you folks who know a lot more than I do.
Anonymous said…
"Just look at the Reps on this blog who said that are through with her."

Probably the same people who voted for Amendment E.

Lunatic fringe.
Anonymous said…
All you free market capitalist Republicans should be quaking in your boots at the thought of what would happen to our economy without all the illegal alien labor. Words like collapse, catastrophe, and disaster come to mind...
Haggs said…
nonnie said: "This is as much or more Ted Kennedy's bill and GWB is going along with it..."

This may be Kennedy's bill, but it's exactly what President Bush wants. He's much more of a corporatist than he is anything else. If he has to choose between corporations and his conservative/Republican values, he's going to side with corporations each and every time.

So since the big corporations want to keep their cheap workforce, Bush is going to push for a plan that will do that. A lot of conservatives seem to want to deport every single illegal. Good luck with that because Bush is going to fight tooth and nail to prevent it from happening.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Just wondering..honest question...has there been any comment from Senator Johnson's staff about how he would have voted? He has been weighing on some benign stuff...just wondering where he is on this.

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