I wonder why we haven't seen that yet....

I will be doing some cross posting between here and the new home at http://www.dakotawarcollege.com for about a week, but make sure you get your links updated before we go live and cut the cord...

I'm also starting to get the RSS feeds added, so don't forget to update those, either.

I was getting reports this afternoon that the deadline for Rapid City Mayoral candidates to turn in their pre-runoff campaign finance filings was yesterday. And one of the two candidates failed to make that deadline.

I’ve got a copy of Sam Kooiker’s finance report for the runoff, but I was waiting to post it until his opponent Alan Hanks got his in. But, as was related to me by a Republican activist out there, the deadline came and passed, and it was never turned in.

It might just be an oversight. Or, it might be an attempt to obfuscate several more thousand he obtained from a certain source. But until it’s filed, we won’t know

As soon as I find out more, you’ll be the first to know. But at the moment? We’re all in a holding pattern.


Anonymous said…
how is this something that could be forgotten?
Anonymous said…
Hmmm... I wonder if Hanks is scared to show all the money Stan gave him.......
Anonymous said…
I'm not surprised, Hanks is a flake. Also, what is this about us having to do "updates"? I have no idea what you're talking about.
Anonymous said…
It could be that there wasn't a financial report due yesterday. It could be that, regardless of a runoff, financial reports are due prior to the election and 60 days after the election. It could be that you didn't do your homework and find out if this truly was the case. It could be that somebody in the Kooiker camp snookered you for political reasons. It could be that Kooiker didn't know what was going on. If the final one is the case, it doesn't seem Mayoral.
Anonymous said…
Where is the report!
Anonymous said…
anon 8:50
there is an election next week. where have you been.
Anonymous said…
*****NICE TRY PP***
There is no such report deadline.

Rapid City Ordanice #2.32.020 and SDCL 12-25-13 requires a pre-election report the last Tuesday before the election. The next report due is the post election report sixty days following the election.

PP, let me help you get this right, the phone number for the city is 605-394-4143 and the Sec of State is 605-773-3537. Both will inform you that there is no should filing requirement.;

Hope you'll be a standup guy and corect you mis-statements.
Anonymous said…
PP needs to admit he is wrong, if indeed he is. If the deadline is actually 60 days after the election, that needs to be changed, by the way. I would much rather see those campaign reports BEFORE an election than after.

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