Options? What options?

Denise Ross is over at the Hog House Blog noting that when asked about returning to public service, former Senator Tom Daschle noted that
“you never say never but I have no plans at this time,” line and then emphasized how much he enjoys public service. And, "I’ll be looking at options as they present themselves."
Read it here.

There is a whisper out there that some of "his people" want him to consider taking over Johnson's slot if it becomes available. Hmmmm.....


Anonymous said…
O let's hope not. Not that i am going to speak ill, but new blood it a good thing and i really feel DC needs it now more than ever!
oops, yep, i said that.
Anonymous said…
New blood??

Yeah, it was clearly such a great move when SD replaced the Senate minority leader with What's-His-Face.

Yeah, that was a great move for South Dakota. We should definately keep doing that.
Anonymous said…
Well, if the national dems get there way we won't hardly have the America we know left!

Well maybe Tom should have been forth coming with how he did back certain organizations and a few other items!

You know it really shouldn't become a life long job. The tax payers make them millionaires and they lose touch with the real world.
Anonymous said…
what a bozo. doesn't Daschle realize he was thrown out on his arse for a reason, or many?? Attempted "comebacks" by bitter losers who are desperate to still be relevant rarely work and just expose the people as pathetic. leave it to Daschle exploit Johnson's illness like this.
Anonymous said…
11:33 - "Well, if the national dems get there way we won't hardly have the America we know left!"

That doesn't make any sense. The national Republicans are the ones selling off pieces of the Constitution to the lowest bidder.
Anonymous said…
Daschle said after the last race that he'd "never" run for public office again. LIAR. He's still just a snake-oil salesman and a LIAR.
Anonymous said…
Let's see WHO IS IT that worked on the immigration bill O YEA, it was Kennedy and the other guy, O YEA, they are Dems.
O YEA, Kennedy was also one of the big authors of the "no child left behind act" O YEA, he is a dem.
Let's See Hillary wants social medicine O YEA, Canada wants to do away with it. I will admit health is in bad shsape. We haven't heard much on the HMO's and PPO's lately and how they have hurt. That fell wayside....
Let's see as the Dems scream about the ungodly amount of profit the oil companies get haha look at what the fed government takes in. Yes, that is how we get road work done.
The government is not the solution they are the problem.
I am not srue that i agree with 11:43 on their comment.
I am done for now!
Anonymous said…
mack and martin - who the hell are you? ever been elected to anything? pretty difficult to talk trash about a guy who reached one of the highest offices in the country. No matter what you do with your life, you will never know that kind of success. Just keep attacking the people who get involved and do something great.
Anonymous said…
mack and martin are a little rough, but as a one-time Daschle voter, it's clear his time has passed. he needs to move on.
Anonymous said…
If Daschle did run no SD republican could bet him. It wouldn't be a race. That being said, if Johnson doesn't run, I doubt Daschle will, but he'd be the best option for SD.
Anonymous said…
Time will tell. But hypothetically, who on the Repub side seriously thinks he (or she) could beat Tom Daschle if he ran?
Anonymous said…
p.s. Tom is to Senate as Gore is to President. Unstopable but as yet uncomitted. Interesting
Anonymous said…
I'm a democrat bc I'm for limited government and controlled spending
Anonymous said…
Yeah, Daschle would probably win if he ran for Johnson's spot. The voters in South Dakota, especially those along I-29, are dumb enough to put the liberal horse's arse back into office.
Anonymous said…
Daschle went to work for Mayo Clinic and against DM&E and SD. Hopefully people will remember that!

If Dems get in, they will raise taxes in their effort at income redistribution. Never mind that those at the bottom end don't pay income taxes anyway; let's just take more from us who do and give to those who don't.

Daschle's time has come and gone. All the reasons he got beat last time are still there, plus a few new ones.
Anonymous said…
Nice try, nonnie, but I'd say you're wrong. Most, if not all, of the reasons Tom lost are gone. Times have changed. A new day has dawned in both US and SD politics, in case you haven't noticed.
Anonymous said…
As for the times a changing. What the Dems are "trying to change" is not worth anything. They want pure and simple socialism. It might be a new form of socialism but, socialism it is.
They want to remove the rights of all Americans and replace it with Big Brother control!
Tho shall nave no rights...let big Mama & Daddy decide for you. That is their game. Don't let anybody try to say anything else to change your mind.
They think you/we/us are to dumb to think and decide for ourselves on anything. Where is that darn horsewhip when it needs cracked over the our heads to tell us what we need.
Anonymous said…
The part PP left out of Denise's post is that Tom Daschle said,

"Tim Johnson is going to be our candidate,
and he will win re-election.
I know this for sure."

That's the most relevant part.
Forget about who can beat Tom.
Who can beat Tim?
Anonymous said…
8:22 You're kidding, right? Tell us again which party wants to snoop in our bedrooms and doctors' offices to monitor who's doing what with whom. Tell us again which party has elected officials who compare pregnant women to cattle. Tell us again which party wants to tap our phone calls and who wants us to torture our enemies. Tell us again which administration knowingly sent 3000 soldiers to die under false pretenses. Tell us again who exposed an undercover agent to advance their political agenda. Tell us again which party attempted to trash the Justice department and make it a political arm of the Executive branch. And tell us again which party wants to install an official state religion. Oh, wait, don't bother. We already know.
Anonymous said…
well said 8:34
Anonymous said…
Daschle could not win again in South Dakota. He has chosen to stay in DC since he lost his seat, and fighting DME would lose him many Democratic votes he couldn't afford to lose in a future race.

Though I appreciate his service for SD, the future belongs to other candidates.
Anonymous said…
When PuPu the Blogger awakened, the first thing he did was stroke the belly of the life-sized George H. W. Bush inflatable doll he slept with. He’d been torn between the Bush 41 doll and the Ronnie Reagan doll, but he’d decided he preferred the frozen sneer of the “I didn’t know that” vinyl president to the vapid grin of the “I can’t remember” one.

After a quickie, during which PuPu swore he heard GHWB sigh in pleasure, PuPu arose, and scratching his privates, answered the phone, which had been ringing for almost five minutes. It was Jewel Dyke, who PuPu was contracting to advise in her attempt to become a U.S. Senator.

“Hey, Poops,” Jewel’s surgically-altered voice fairly dripped with sincerity, “just wanted to know what color my yard signs should be.” PuPu said, “Good question, shows you’re thinking. I’ll get back to you this afternoon.”

PuPu the Blogger knew the answer already; predominantly red, with white and blue tastefully added, but by putting Jewel off for a few hours, he could bill for research. That way, he’d make $500 off a $2 question. “Why do people steal,” he thought, “when there’s so much honest money to be made?”

With the day already paid for, PuPu the Blogger picked up “Klaudt’s Klozzet”, the catalog from which he’d ordered the GHWB doll. Despite what he interpreted as the doll’s enthusiastic response to his advances, he found himself becoming bored with it.

Seeing what he wanted, he logged onto the catalog’s website. Once on the shopping cart page, he typed in “Item #000209; Idi Amin Lifelike Action Doll with simulated human flesh hors d’ouevres.”

PuPu the Blogger then plunged a letter opener into the chest cavity of the George Herbert Walker Bush doll. Tears streamed down his face as he watched the doll deflate. It was going to be another one of those days.
Anonymous said…
I think this is a dangerous concept. The nuts are already in control of the party apparatus. They don't need any more control. Our generation is proving that we are not meeters and joiners. If our candidates take the expected hard right hand turn out of these meetings, our voters will just cross over. I think this is fraught with peril, myself.
Anonymous said…
"Our generation is proving that we are not meeters and joiners."

Well, then what are you? A registered independent who complains that they don't like what the GOP is doing? Why would you then care?

It's our party, and we'll endorse if we want to. (endorse if we want to, endorse if we want to...)

That is, unless the majority of the county GOP committees decide that they don't agree.
Anonymous said…
I thought also that she might simply have her own political ideas. Or perhaps she knows that candidate - or someone in his family - personally. There are many possible explanations besides assuming that it's a case of sour grapes.
Anonymous said…
Libby DID NOT expouse Plume!

Get the facts straight!

The Dems supported the war too! Well go ahead and play the Kerry flippy game. That line will go down in history!

Bush went by what he was told. hummmmmm so how much should a person TRUST those who are choosen to serve???? That can go for either side.

Torture, well dthere is a fine line. But conserind the hate others have for America what do you want to do put them up at the Ritz with full service?? Just who is chopping off whos head in the world, who is raping women, etc. etc.
Not that i enjoy the thought of someone listening into phone calls but tell ya what if they get a few more terriost maybe it is a price to pay. I think a few people need to sit back and think if they would really want to live in any other country well NOT ME!
Anonymous said…
City and County money stay in the City and County, The schools general fund levy has no bearing on local spending,,,wanna bet ?
Anonymous said…
Well, nice try, but no sale. I didn't say Libby did it. GWB and his boss Dick Cheney did it. And you're right, GWB does what he is told, including lying to his fellow Americans, time, after time, after time. He's still doing it. At least the Dems had the courage to change their minds once they learned what the real story was. There's no shame in that.
And if you think it's okt to defend torture, talk to your fellow Republican, John McCain, who was tortured, not to us. Also, if you want your phone tapped, go for it, but remember what Ben Franklin said, He who would trade liberty for security has neither. Finally, you left quite a few points without rebuttal. I'll take it that you accept those as valid. Have a good one.
Anonymous said…
8:34 anon:

To rebut, your first comment regards abortion. Protecting all life, even unborn, is what this concerns, not snooping in doctors’ offices.

If tapping the phones of people who have received phone calls from known terrorists bothers you, so be it. It doesn’t bother me. I rely in our gov’t to protect me and my family, and this is one of the ways in which they try to do that. They aren’t monitoring me because I don’t know any terrorists or get called by them. Why are you worried about them monitoring your calls??

It wasn’t only Reps that thought Saddam has WMD. Dems also thought so and had been saying so for years. (Clinton for example)

Plame wasn’t exposed by Libby. She was already known to be an agent. But whatever furthers the Dem’s agenda to get rid of Bush, I guess.

And the Reps don’t want to install a state religion; that is forbidden by our constitution in case you forgot. They are simply trying to prevent installation of secularism as a state religion. This country was founded on Christian principles no matter what you naysayers state. Other religions are welcome, but don’t claim that Christianity has to be stamped out in our gov’t in order to be tolerant of others.
Anonymous said…
8:34 nonnie. Wrong, it's more than abortion, it's rape it's incest, it's health issues and gender issues. There is no sense denying it, you people want to control who does what to whom. That's wrong. The rest of your rebuttal is covered by my post at 10:22. For you to deny that you want all Americans to be fundamentalist "Christians" is absurd. Of course you do. God told you to preach that. To do otherwise is to avoid your mandate from the Almighty. It's ok to tell the truth, nonnie. We all know it anyway. Your denial of it is all the more reason for people not to trust you.
Anonymous said…
Anon 11:52: You said, "For you to deny that you want all Americans to be fundamentalist 'Christians' is absurd. Of course you do. God told you to preach that. To do otherwise is to avoid your mandate from the Almighty."

Thanks for my laugh of the day! Just what makes you think I'm a fundamentalist Christian? Just in case you care, and I know you don't, but I'm not. And I'm the last person to go about preaching as a mandate from God!

However, that being said, I do value all life, even unborn. I would also allow abortion for rape/incest/health of the mother, but of course those reasons would be given for any abortion for any other reason. You know that, and so do I. But this isn't about abortion.

Your post was simply Dem talking points, and I refuted them. Not as well as an actual debator would, but as well as this blogger can right now.

I don't personally care if you are Christian, Buddhist, or a worshipper of moths or bedbugs. To deny the Christian heritage of this nation in the name of tolerance is wrong, period. And that, my friend, is what you evidently want to do.
Anonymous said…
Senator Daschle should come home and run again - especially if Stephanie Herseth-Sandlin is running!
Anonymous said…
"To deny the Christian heritage of this nation in the name of tolerance is wrong, period."

Well, there you go nonnie, what else is there to say except:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

That means, you're the one that's wrong,
kid, not us.
Anonymous said…
10:37, Sorry didn't have time to rebuttal and dang it I still don't.
It would just be nice if the "if" could be applied and that honesty was used in America.
No I don't think we agree on most of the issues, but i bet there might be some we do.
I know I should not have strted this post but so be it.
Got to go, work is calling again.
Anonymous said…
10:37, Sorry didn't have time to rebuttal and dang it I still don't.
It would just be nice if the "if" could be applied and that honesty was used in America.
No I don't think we agree on most of the issues, but i bet there might be some we do.
I know I should not have started this post but so be it.
Got to go, work is calling again.
Anonymous said…
Wonder who is paying Long's salary and the expenses of his countersuit. I suppose taxpayers are getting stuck with that too.

Well, really, I wasn't wondering about that. I do have some questions about the propriety of school boards making a decision to sue without some kind of vote; but school boards make decisions to hire lawyers to defend schools when they are sued by ACLU or students, parents, etc. And, they probably pay a lawyer on retainer as well.

Why is paying an attorney to get more money for schools any different than paying an attorney to keep a school from paying out more money?
Anonymous said…
Wow. I'm disappointed in you, PP. Why is it that Republicans are so clueless when it comes to funding education? They give schools the least ammount of money they can and are shocked when schools say it isn't adequate.

And I heard that North Dakota went through a simiar situation. They had a bunch of schools sueing the state because it was underfunding education. And you know what happened? ND decided to increase funding and they dropped the lawsuit.

Shocking, I know!

And I find it funny that Republicans don't seem to mind spending billions upon billions on an immoral, unjust war, yet they can't seem to find a few hundred million to help out education.
Anonymous said…
Not a problem. Deep down, I, like you, am hoping we can find common ground. Let's work on that, ok?
It's time, don't you think?
Anonymous said…
Oh yeah. it's time. all right.
Anonymous said…
Anon 1:34 said: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...."

Congress has been making laws regarding the free exercise thereof. What do you think the Christians are upset about? I don't want the gov't to establish a religion either. But to all of a sudden decide that "in God we trust" on money and "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance are wrong, not allowing teachers to even use the word Christmas in school, not allowing carols to be sung in school,etc etc is what I'm talking about. You who want the gov't to establish no religion are taking the meaning of teh Constitution where it was never intened to go.

And that is where you are wrong, kid, not us.

That means, you're the one that's wrong,
kid, not us.
Anonymous said…
6:31 Way To Go !!!!!!!!

Let's hear it for poster 6:31.

I hear ya and back your comments!

really i do!
Anonymous said…
8:36 Right. That makes two of you.
Anonymous said…
8:39 PM
Anonymous said...
8:36 Right. That makes two of you.

8:39 PM & author of most of the other "anonymous" responses on this post.

Just because you have more time to "play" online and flood a blog with your own responses doesn't indicate you're winning the debate.

Personally, I think you need to ask your Dr to up the dose on your Prozac prescription. And no, we didn't need to listen in on your phone calls or bug your Dr visits to figure THAT out...
Anonymous said…
10:56 Well, let's just say that calling your opponant crazy is a sure sign that you've run out of good arguments ...and leave it at that, shall we?
Anonymous said…
nonnie wrote:
"But to all of a sudden decide that 'in God we trust' on money and 'under God' in the Pledge of Allegiance are wrong..."

You must just zone out after the soundbites.

Take a look at the money in your pocket and tell me, does it still say "in God we trust?" Yeah, I think it does.

Now, go to an elemenatary school or a high school first thing in the morning to listen to the Plege of Allegiance. Then tell me, do they still say "under God" in the Pledge? Well, I'll be damned, they still do. Even though all those wacky liberal judges are trying to take away your precious Christianity, it's still there.

Nonnie, you get caught up in a few silly lawsuits brought by overzealous plaintiffs, and you totally gloss over the fact that they did not prevail. Don't you get that? They didn't win. God is still on the money, and in the Pledge. What do you have to complain about?
Anonymous said…
I think Nonnie should be our State GOP chair, not whomever is there now. Finally, someone who can articulate what the GOP needs to stand for!

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