Senate President Pro Tempore on last night's election

I managed to catch Lee Schoenbeck checking his e-mail at his desk, and he was gracious enough to give me some commentary on last nights election and what it means to Republicans:
These were hard fought primaries between a lot of good people. As with every election cycle, hard work and message pays dividends. I think our people will continue to campaign hard this fall for less government, lower taxes, and better education for our children. These are the issues that won on Tuesday and these are the issues our South Dakota families care about. They want to hear a clear conservative Republican message on these issues and see a voting record to match. Candidates that could consistently deliver – won. A quick look at the races for the fall would appear to favor us gaining seats in both houses – I expect we will have more to celebrate in November if we work hard between now and then.
I would strongly mirror Lee's thoughts that we stand to pick up seats if we all work together for a unified Republican message. Already, we're expected to pick up a senate seat in Yankton, and I predict Larry Diedrich will easily win his old job in the Senate back. That's two - and we can make it more.

But we have to do it together. Last night decided a battle of sibling rivalry which raged all too long. Today, we need to embrace our fellow Republicans and move forward to November as a unified team.


Anonymous said…
Blah, blah, blah.

Lee and PP, don't break your arms patting yourselves on the back. Republicans still can't be unified to defeat one hard-core Democrat action hero who whips their asses election after election. Guess what? This Democrat action hero lives in a legislative district that is 2-to-1 Republican. He defeats Republicans one after the other in the heart of Republicandum. His name is Senator Frank Kloucek.

So much for your statements of unity and purpose. You can't even come close to beating Frank Kloucek, Democrat action hero.

Your crowing just sounds dumb if you can't beat a very partisan Democrat in a district that has 2 to 1 Republican registrations.
Anonymous said…
"I predict Larry Diedrich will easily win his old job in the Senate back"

Remember PP that Larry lost his district both times he ran for congress. What does that tell you?
PP said…
That South Dakotans like to elect people to bring home the bacon in congress, but they want someone holding on to the checkbook at home.

And anon #1, Frank is a freakish amalgamation of populism and Janklow anti-sentiment. No, we can't beat him. But you only have one.

So take heart in that you're assured that seat.
Anonymous said…
"Last night decided a battle of sibling rivalry which raged all too long. Today, we need to embrace our fellow Republicans and move forward to November as a unified team."

PP_you had the hard right bashing the shi* out of the moderates, that you didn't agree with and joined in on...sometimes w/a humorous note. This wasn't sibling rivalry, this was borderline hatred and while it may not cost much in uberconservative SD this kind of attitude and dismissiveness is going to kill the party/my party, in November in every place but SD, WYO, UT and ID.

An now you want those who've been jumped on to fall into line to help the republican message. Good golly, what world do you come from. Gloating is ugly, try and remember that next time. Lee S. gloats enough for the both of you.

A guy who told anyone who'd listen this mainstreat coalition was a silly selfdefeating mistake.
Anonymous said…
above, but it's a reality of our party. A struggle that has been going on for 65 years. What happened last night needs, desperately, to happen nationally. We had a good conservative challenger to Specter in the last election and Bush blew it and campaigned for arlen and look what that moderate is doing now.
Anonymous said…
Agreed, but I'm not the "throw yourself under the train" type of republican as it seems many are. Unfortunately it seems to people like me that being pragmatic can label you moderate which isn't true but defending the difference is difficult to the angry masses of uberconservatives.

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