Jerry hearts Bill. (For State Senate at least)

Saturday's Rapid City Journal had Jerry Apa showing the love for all things Napoli in the letters to the editor:
Tireless advocate

Sen. Bill Napoli, while serving 12 years in the state Legislature, has shown tireless and boundless energy in representing not only his constituents, but anyone who has a problem with the local or state bureaucracy.

Prior to the 2005 session, Watertown, Aberdeen and Rapid City area residents were cheated by dishonest sellers when purchasing automobiles and manufactured homes. Sen. Napoli led the charge that resulted in a task force being created to tighten up the laws regarding consignment sales of automobiles and manufactured homes.

Sen. Napoli also led the fight to change the state law on car licensing. As a result, beginning in 2008, when a vehicle is licensed it will be much easier and more efficient for the consumer and generate a cost savings for both the counties and the state.

These are but two examples of the many in which Sen. Bill Napoli has helped his constituency in District 35 and the people of South Dakota. Sen. Napoli has been a tireless and eloquent advocate in protecting the rights and pocketbook of the South Dakota taxpayer.

A vote for Bill Napoli on Tuesday, June 6, is a vote for a man of integrity and unyielding political courage.

Read it all here.


Anonymous said…
Funny, my recollection of the car licensing bill is that it would put more money in the state coffers by taking it from the people who buy the licenses. Amazing.
Anonymous said…
Hey 9:36am South Dakota has one of the lowest costs for licenses. Best you do some searching and see what is being paid in CA and MN. My vote is for Napoli, he works for the people of his District and all of South Dakota. Rapid City and the State need more like him, honest and not bought for by Adlestein. Vote Napoli and have someone that will listen to you.
Anonymous said…
Hey 121,

You should listen to what Napoli himself said on the floor of the Senate when he said the bill will put almost $3million more in the DMV each year. I don't care what others pay. I care what we pay here and thanks to Napoli, it's more.
Anonymous said…
How much more per vehicle?
Anonymous said…
Does the RC Journal have a policy on letters - as in how many penned by one person can be published in any amount of time? Seems like Apa's in there about every other day...
Anonymous said…
Hey 2:20PM, Again I ask, tell me how much increase per vehicle??
Anonymous said…
anon 6:17..Don't wait for anon 2:20, he can't answer you...and never mind about stopping auto and manufactured home dealers from cheating people. All he cares about is what he has to pay. What a great citizen.
Anonymous said…
It's not how much per vehicle that the tax was raised, but that now, or soon will be, when you buy a used vehicle you have to get a new license.

Used to be that you could keep the license that was on the vehicle until it expired. However, last estimates is that it won't raise the $3-4 million as projected, but a whole lot less. Thank goodness.

My feelings are though, go Bill ...
this time.
Anonymous said…
What Napoli really wants to see SD do is have the license plate follow the owner - not the car. 40+ states already do this, including Iowa. If you sell your car, take the plates off and put them on your next car. This eliminates the problem of cars driving around with plates registered to the previous owner. Makes sense, but SD's permanent bureaucracy is resistant.
Anonymous said…
Sometimes you bloggers are a pain in the A**. You only check the facts when it benefits you. Otherwise you just blow off like your the smartest morons in the world. There was and is NO-I repeat-NO tax or license fee increase of any kind in my bill. You really sharp bloggers should check the facts and stop relying on your faulty memories.

The only major thing the bill does is require you to take your plates with you when you sell your car, so people won't be able to drive around in a car still registered to you. 34 other states have done this already. The bill had 99 sponsers out of 105. We also transfered $3 million from other funds to the DMV to replace a 25 year old computor system (NO tax increase). This will allow people to buy or transfer permits, titles and registrations online. The reason it raises revenue is because we catch all those people who are jumping title and not paying their share of the tax. Anon 9:36, is this you??

Some of you bloggers would bi*** about me if I gave you a gold pacifier, which some of you really need.
Anonymous said…
Thank you Sen. Bill Napoli for clearing up all the misinformation that has been handed out so freely without any facts about what the hell they are talking about. We need more people in Pierre like the hard working Sen. Napoli, he is rated tops with me.

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