And the fall campaign is out of the starting gates..

Jack Billion started the campaign off immediately out of the starting gate by taking shots at Governor Rounds in this story by the Rapid City Journal's Kevin Woster:
Billion said he sent a letter to the governor asking for a list of companies attracted during Rounds’ 3½ years in office. Billion also asked for information on the number of jobs created, average hourly wage, amount of state assistance each received and whether the business was recruited through the governor’s invitational pheasant hunt or other recruitment programs.

“I’m dead serious about it,” Billion said of his request for the information. “I think it’s part of good government, open government. When he says he’d be happy to share that information and discuss it with me, I’m certain he means it.”

Rounds staffer Roxy Everson referred a Journal call about the Billion offer to Rounds re-election campaign coordinator Michele Brich, the governor’s sister. Brich didn’t address Billions’ letter, saying it would be “handled like any other letter they receive up in the governor’s office.”

But Brich said the Rounds administration had created more than 10,000 new jobs, helped lift annual visitor spending to a record $800 million and generated a record gross state product of $29.4 billion — with a $34 billion goal by 2010.

That is part of the governor’s 2010 Initiative, which Brich said is having positive effects throughout the South Dakota economy.

“It’s a very aggressive plan, put together with input from people from all over the state. It set goals, and people are working very hard to meet those goals,” she said.

Billion intends to challenge the effectiveness of the 2010 campaign, as well as what he considers to be Rounds’ failures in health care, education funding and openness in government.
Read it all here. And you too can be giddy with excitement with me as the fall campaign starts off after the stunning conservative victory Tuesday night.


Anonymous said…
"handled like any other letter they receive up at the governor's office"

In other words, ignored for five weeks, then answered with a form letter thanking you for your interest in and concern for state government but all the while failing to get within spitting distance of your origional questions.
Anonymous said…
Is there a member of the Rounds family not on the payroll? Or is everyone in Pierre related to Mike Rounds?
Anonymous said…
There are only 13 Rounds' listed in the state employee phone book and some of these are doubles since some of them hold several positions.
Anonymous said…
but they're not all named Rounds.
Anonymous said…
Ah the 2010 initiative! That plan to have normal inflationary growth in tourism over the course of 8 years. Do the same thing as we have always done and expect the same annual increases we have always had - but call it a plan and you're a visionary. But the "plan" is way behind schedule. Rounds better keep his original targets and rename it the 2015 plan.

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