Mt. Blogmore reporting more Schwiesow/Adelstein results

Mt Blogmore has someone on the scene at the Pennington County Courthouse, and they're reporting a big swing back to Elli in the Adelstein Schwiesow Race with 3 precincts to go:

State Senate District 32 Republican primary, at 10:00 p.m.:

Elli Schwiesow. . . . . . . . . 1,009 50.91
Stanford Adelstein . . . . . . . 973 49.09

Any more results like this, and tonight will unequivocably be the night of the conservative.


Max Power said…
You can see the results at the Pennington County website:

Not clear how many precincts left to count for that race though.

I'll say tonight's results have been interesting, but hard to know what to make of them given the relatively low turnout.

We'll think on this tomorrow.
Anonymous said…
KSFY is reporting the same numbers

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