It begins soon. Primary Election night coverage 2006.

I'm going to live in front of this computer tonight, so I'm going to go out and get some supplies (Diet Coke, something for dinner, etc). Otherwise, I'm going to be stationed here in the War College Election Bunker in Pierre as the returns start to come in for a little live blogging. I'm prepared to go late, as I even took tomorrow morning off to do all of this stuff.

It's been a bombastic last couple of days. The PAC filings have stirred up a major firestorm between State Senator Stan Adelstein and State Senator and President Pro Tempore Lee Schoenbeck. THAT ONE is sure to rage for some time to come, and you got to hear about it here before much of the other media has picked up on it.

Keep your web browser on the South Dakota War College for election night for updates and commentary. If you want it unfiltered, Go here at the Secretary of State's office for the totals as they come in.

This should be good! And don't forget to listed to Public Radio's coverage tonight at 9:30 to listen and see if I sound like an idiot or not.

And Tonight's coverage is sponsored by .... those of you who hit the pay pal beg button on the right under the Bob Sahr ad. So if I can provide some mild amusement and information, help support the SDWC.


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