From tonight's SDWC mailbox: Billion endorsed by SD Labor Union

SD Watch Blogger and Billion Press Secretary Todd Epp has me on his announcement list, so I get all these.

It must work, I'm printing it.

Tonight, they announce Billion's endorsement by the UFCW Local chapter:
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (Issued July 20, 2006)
FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT TODD EPP AT (direct) 605.221.6143 (cell) 605.521.5198 (email)


SIOUX FALLS—The United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local 304A has voted to endorse Jack Billion for governor of South Dakota in the 2006 election.

UFCW Local 304A primarily represents workers at John Morrell and Company as well as the Sioux Falls Stockyards and Sioux Falls public school food service workers.

In its July 11, 2006 endorsement letter, the UFCW noted: "His recognition that unions raise the standard of living for average hard-working South Dakotans and the equal balance between small businesses and working families is very important and long overdue."

Dr. Billion, who grew up in the so-called North End of Sioux Falls in the 1940s and 50s around many John Morrell families, was pleased with the local's endorsement.

"These union members and their hard work is important to the lifeblood of our state's and city's economies," Jack said. "For them to place their trust and hopes in me and Eric Abrahamson for a better South Dakota is a great honor. I will campaign tirelessly for all the working people in South Dakota and their interests in better wages, more affordable health care, and greater opportunities."
Do you think it's the right to work law that entices the unions to support Dems? Could be. But, there it is.

Now lets see who the NRA and NFIB endorse. ;)


Anonymous said…
Unions could do themselves a BIG favor by not being lockstep predictable. If they would talk to candidates of all parties and find common ground, they might find a new vitality in the political arena.

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