Had this note and picture the other day, and thought I'd share

Got the above picture and note recently from Bill Napoli:
We had this picture sent to us by one of our hundreds of supporters. And since it has both of your favorite West River serious conservative candidates in the picture, (well Lance's sign is there anyway), we thought you might like to see this.
Thanks for the picture Bill.

I'd also offer to other candidates, If you've got pictures of you out campaigning, go ahead and drop one on the e-mail to me at dakotawarcollege@yahoo.com


Anonymous said…
Hi Bill, glad you're there!
Anonymous said…
Bill is a great guy, some of his views are out there but he is the kind of legislator that will listen to any argument and give a straight answer.
Anonymous said…
Check it out! Three comments in a row that are supportive of Bill Napoli. Make it four. Bill is a good one.
Anonymous said…
Make that five!! I like him because you never have to wonder what Bill is thinking, just listen and he'll tell you exactly. If you agree, that's fine. If you don't, that's your problem.
Anonymous said…
Why are Bill's supporters posting at 2:30 and 3:30? Don't they have jobs? Napoli's fine, but he should be in a position to effect policy. Neither should Jerry. They should play their role of flame tossers and leave it at that.
Anonymous said…
Anon 8:52
That 3:00 in the morning post was mine. I’m sitting by the fire radios and telephone while all of northwest SD is fighting fire and I’m coordinating three of our local fire departments. None of my neighbors, my family or I have slept in more than 24 hours and we won’t be sleeping until we can get these fires under control.

And yes, I do have a job, in fact several of them.

I wholeheartedly agree when you say “Napoli's fine, but he should be in a position to effect policy.”!!! I’m sure that’s what you meant to say…
Anonymous said…
Enough with the group hug.

PP, it's clear your a Napoli fan, but enough already.

Doesn't anyone want to talk about Napoli's STOP admendment.

The legislature's only high school drop out, that has found the fix to SD's property tax system?

PP you claim that Stan is not effective, well anyone who pays attention to state politics knows that Napoli isn't either.
Anonymous said…
could someone explain the benefits of Amendment D? I think if you want young people to invest in South Dakota a tax break would be an incentive, but under STOP the taxes will be tied to the purchase price. How will this affect county budgets? schools?
Anonymous said…
anonymous 2:44 PM You know very well the only "tax breaks" given are to out of state companies who come into South Dakota. Don't dream about THAT. The legislature will set the mil rate for schools the way they have always done. The mil rate will continue to fluctuate. Lower assessed values will force a higher mil rate. Higher assessed values will force the mil rate down. The property tax is how we fund our school, counties, cities, etc. We must have them. However, if I sell my house for $95,000 and you sell your house next door to me for $100,000, why should my buyer pay tax on $100,000? If you buy 10,000 acres for $5,190,000, why should the rancher adjoining your land pay tax on the same value per acre? Makes sense to me to pay a tax on my property at the price I pay not on the value someone else gives my property.
Anonymous said…
Make mine 6... Iam all for Sen. Bill Napoli. After more than 100 years of State legislators doing nothing about skyrocketing property taxes, Sen. Napoli is the only one that has come up with a solution. It took someone without a "degree" to come with Amendment D. Amendment D will work. Thank you Sen. Napoli!! You have my support on Amendment D. For those who want to find out how Amendment D will work, go to www.STOP2006.org and read the Web page.
Anonymous said…
Agree with him or not, at least Napoli is honest and isn't full of politically correct platitudes. What you see is what you get, whether you like it or not. I'd rather know what I am getting than having to sort out people who try to play both ends against the middle and you never know where they really stand.
Anonymous said…
It's ironic that a straight-shooter like Napoli would be in the same picture as the signs for a crooked-stick like Lance Russell. I love Napoli, but I loathe Lance Russell.
Anonymous said…
anon 207,, I will discuss D if you want.
Anonymous said…
A-Lo: "Big Government Judge?" Do you and your ilk realize that the Judicial Race is non-partisan? You have tried to paint Judge Fuller as a liberal in every way, yet many prominent Republicans support him. BTW - The story regarding the crying -- did you witness this or is this more of the Russell spin machine mind controlling another lemming?
Anonymous said…
I think you meant many "country club republicans" support Democrat Fuller.

And for one of them, that's going to be what costs Ron Schmidt his seat as National GOP Committeeman in 2 years. He's already got a strong opponent who is going to kick his tail all over the place.
Anonymous said…
Dana Randall will be the gentleman who will end Ron Schmidt's tenure as National Committeeman. In addition, Randall will only go up from there!
Anonymous said…
I don't know what determines a country-club Republican. Of course, that is the label Lance paints on anyone who opposes him or runs against those he supports. Steve Kirby was far more conservative than Mark Barnett, but the slime Lance espoused about Kirby truly did break the 11th commandment. BTW, I don't think Dana Randall will be the only one running.
Anonymous said…
D is dumb.
Anonymous said…
Did Lance Russell fail to make it through the "summer bummer" admittance program at USD Law or not? Has he prosecuted felonies other than DWI thirds, has he had a private client, represented anyone pro bono, I know he's still eligible for the young lawyer sections since he's been out of school for 6 years...What makes him ready to be a judge other than he's got a hack political base who think he and his brother are the second coming (of what, I have no idea).
Anonymous said…
I'll bet you Lance won't be prosecuting the murder that just occurred in Hot Springs. AGs office will step in quickly on that before Lance gets involved and does something horribly wrong.

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