RCJ's Kevin woster threatened wih assault by Katus supporter at Adelstein announcement

Over at Mt. Blogmore today, Rapid City Journal reporter Kevin Woster relates a tale of weirdness from this last week's Adelstein/Katus anouncement:
....here’s what really happened. I was upset that Katus called the news conference to an end and left after about 15 minutes. I’d only had a chance to ask him one question, among the others from TV and radio crews. I also didn’t get a chance to respond to a playful comment he made about me, personally. There was a lot left to talk about. I followed him and told him I was unhappy that he’d left that jab at me - which was actually humorous - hanging in the air without giving me a chance to respond and explore other issues. Actually, I said “That’s …….,” referring to fecal matter from a chicken. Katus said something like, “Oh, come on, Kevin, it was a joke.” That’ s all he said. And he didn’t make any threatening gestures or statements. He just got in his car and drove off, accompanied by Denise, who rode with him and did a quick podcast for the blog. When they pulled away, I turned to go back to my pickup and was approached by a Katus supporter. He was angry about what I’d said to Katus, and began an exchange with me that grew heated. He followed me back to the parking lot, continuing to express his anger, and at one point I told him to get away from me. The exchange grew increasingly unfriendly, and eventully he took off his glasses and challenged me to a fight. I declined and walked back inside, leaving him in the parking lot to cool off. I spoke to Stan Adelstein inside, and may have mentioned the incident, but I certainly never said or implied that Tom Katus was involved. He wasn’t. But I think I could take him. (Just kiddin’, Tom.) K.W.
Holy crap! Read it all here under comment #3. This is not a unique thing to one party or another (so don't even start on that). But Republican or, as likely in this instance, Democrat, if you follow someone out to a parking lot and challenge them to a fight, you shouldn't expect to have your greviances cleared. You should expect to have your nutty rear-end thrown in jail, as this nutjob should have been. They are just words, after all.

Politicians should remind their helpers that threatening political reporters with assault is not a cool thing for your campaign, and is typically classified as a criminal act. That kind of help campaigns can do without.


Anonymous said…
In an election year that includes J.A.I.L. "spokespeople" armed in bandanas, threats of violence based on politics should probably be taken more seriously than before.
Anonymous said…
Aaron---please explain what happened...

I figured Chad Schuldt or Hildy finally tripped out, man...
Anonymous said…
That must have been one of those adelstein republicans that went over to kathouse.

No dem would behave that way. All that intellectual superiority and all..don't you know.
Anonymous said…
What kind of arrogant jerk reporter goes chasing after a candidate calling him nasty names? Reporters are supposed to report news - not make news.

That's just chicken@#$% on Woster's part. If he's going to act like a juvenile, then he deserves a punch in the nose.

Grow up crybaby Woster, and quit whining about your own actions drawing a reaction!
PP said…

I didn't take it as if he said it in an angry manner. At least from what I've seen of Kevin, he's a fairly mellow guy.

The article made it sound like he and Katus parted amicably, although, I wasn't there, so I don't know.
Anonymous said…
scimitar..."what kind of arrogant jerk reporter goes chasing......"

ALL of them! Where have you been??
Anonymous said…
anon 11:06, all reporters call candidates nasty names? I don't think so. Not appropriate, and not at all common.

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