Working on stuff. What's going on?

After all the activity tonight, I'm going to try something a little different.

As opposed to writing abut the news items of the day, I'm working on an original news item that was brought to my attention, so I'm hoping I can have that out before the weekend. It's a pretty interesting tale that was dropped by the MSM, about how a group of Dems are using a public facility to promote their agenda. It even involves a couple of current statewide names.

What else is happening? I noticed that Representatve Shantel Krebs, in addition to working her shoe store, is now also hawking glasses and contacts for a company in Sioux Falls as reported in the Sioux Falls Business Journal.

John Thune is talking as if he's distancing himself from the White House according to the Argus Leader tonight....

It came out today that Governor Rounds is going to Sioux Falls on August 9th to have Capitol for a day....

Rebekah Cradduck's announcement for the District 11 Senate Seat was at today noting:
Rebekah Cradduck will run for the District 11 state Senate seat in Sioux Falls.

Cradduck, a former state legislator, will run as a Democrat.

The campaign will be committed to a common sense approach that focuses on South Dakota’s priorities of investing in education, health care and economic development, she said.

Cradduck is vice president of professional and clinical service for the South Dakota Association of Healthcare Organizations in Sioux Falls.
Previously, she served in the South Dakota House of Representatives, serving on the Joint Appropriations Committee; as Vice-Chair of Government Operations & Audit.
Read it all here.

Governor Mike Rounds noted tonight at that he would have supported the Kebhart menaure at the GOP convention to recognize that there are people of conscience on both sides of the abortion issue:
Rounds, who wasn't a delegate and didn't vote on the resolutions, said he learned of Kephart's failed amendment after the HB1215 resolution had passed.

"I told Mr. Kephart personally that I was surprised that the recognition that there were reasonable and decent people on either side of the issue wasn't acknowledged," Rounds said. "I would have preferred to have seen that moderation identified in order to emphasize the need for a civil debate on this issue."

Rounds said he doesn't believe the size of the Republican Party's tent has changed. But it might be that some people with moderate views aren't asserting themselves when it comes to policymaking, he said. Conservative party members outnumbered those with moderate positions at the convention, allowing them to define resolutions, he said.

"(Former Republican Gov.) George (S.)Mickelson said it best. He said the people who show up are the people who can make a difference," Rounds said. "Take time to attend the conventions. Become part of the debate. When you don't have that big tent filled with a lot of people, the people who are in the tent holding it up are the ones who make their voices known."
Read it all here.


Anonymous said…
Our Governor should have been keeping track of how his party is headed, he should have told Randy Frederick how he wanted this to come out! We have gone from a "Big Tent" to a "Tiny Hut".
Anonymous said…
Funny how Rounds signs the bill and now takes every opportunity to stand to the side of it, certainly not behind.
Anonymous said…
And in Brock's case, a Pizza Hut!
Anonymous said…
Damn, that was funnier before the other anon 10:10 snuck in there...
Anonymous said…
Rounds signs 1215 then says it's not his bill, attends the convention, but is not aware of any changes to the GOP stance on 1215 until after the convention is over. Hmmmmm
Anonymous said…
Another lack of leadership by Rounds. He's a sideline player when the legislature is in session - can pass tax increases but he can't pass his education agenda or his minimum wage increase - and he's a sideline player at the convention.

Rounds a sideline player on Napoli's property tax bill that will devestate government revenues.

Rounds is a sideline player on Amendment E - tell me when he's ever been out talking against that rambling wreck.

Rounds' billboard says "Leadership" but it's just an empty slogan. He's just a little too comfortable in his new mansion to get out there and mix it up. About all he'll do is fly his new plane above the rest of us and watch South Dakota from a safe altitude.

Who's leading the Republican party?
Anonymous said…

You have to understand w/the Rounds group, if they say "leadership" they believe it's theirs. If they say "vision", golly, must have one. Simple, simple, simple. The sad thing is this adminstration believes themselves to be deep thinkers. Which probably explains why feedsack is kept around.

I should have voted for Kirby.
Anonymous said…
I did vote for Kirby. Too bad he lost out to this big government liberal.
Anonymous said…
Too bad he wasted his time bashing Barney.
Anonymous said…
Steve Kirby's first message--bring economic development to communities large and small--was right on point.

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