On the road again

I'm getting packed up for another fun fulled trip back to home in Brookings, so it should be light posting through the end of the day... Possibly into Sunday, depending on what's going on.

And just a glimpse into my world of weirdness - You're not likely to see another truck this weekend hauling a concrete mixer with a Magic Kitchen strapped to it going down highway 14.

Still trying to get all my stuff over to Brookings, the home of South Dakota's only D1 school.

Have a safe and enjoyable weekend!


Anonymous said…
PP...Which item is for you....inquiring minds want to know.
Anonymous said…
"Fast Horse was on parole and KELOLAND News found out that was for his third DWI offense"...since you are off PP, I thought I'd bring this up.

How long did this guy serve? Lance R., did you prosecute and what time did he get or did you cut him a sweet deal?
Anonymous said…
Aaron, in case you missed it in the Napoli v. Adelstein comments:

Anonymous said...

Check out the 2003 session where Apa voted to raise the taxes on everyone cell phone bill. There are plenty of other examples. When do you want me to stop proving he is a big tax guy?

Also, 12th fastest growing state government in the nation. No one has refuted that. Plus he votes time and time again to expand government especially if it's pork barrel for him.

The all-knowing, all-powerful Chairman of the Appropriations Committee should be able to stop this. Everyone in Lead hates him and just wants to get rid of him for two months otherwise they would ditch this impotent fraud.

Apa raises taxes, grows government and sneaks into your bedroom. Aaron, surely you don't believe this to be a "conservative" agenda?

11:28 PM
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
Last time I checked public libraries were free spaces where people could show up and read books they choose and speak freely (but not too loudly) as long as it didn't violate laws or others' rights.

Hey, this sounds like a job for big brother/big tax/big government Apa. We'll create a special police to patrol libraries for liberal groups, find out what people are reading and burn unacceptable books (like those that believe in free thought and women's rights or tolerance of minority groups). Of course, we will need a library tax (and Jerry loves new taxes like the cell phone tax he snuck on your bill). And we'll get to expand government.

All in the name of phony "conservatism." Thank goodness we have Apa and company to protect us from freedom of speech, thought and assembly. All we need is an official religion to be declared and Schoenbeck to be made King of SD, and we'll be ready for a "Boston Tea Party" on the banks of the Missouri River. Will these guys ever just leave us, our bedrooms and our pocketbooks alone? They look a lot more like a weird combination of FDR and King George than Ronald Reagan.

11:19 PM
Anonymous said…
Jerry Apa, are you a big brother/big tax/big government chicken? Brock, brock, brock, chicken, chicken, chicken...
Anonymous said…
This posting is supposed to be about children's toys...

Not the fact that Jerry Apa enjoys raising taxes, expanding government and intruding into your personal lives...

So, stop it, all you people who use logic to attack Jerry Apa. He is a good man who enjoys peeping into your bedroom, raising your taxes and expanding government. This is the true SD conservative agenda as proclaimed by Schoenbeck. I find it offensive if people mock Apa and Schoenbeck....
Anonymous said…
I am tired of people picking on Jerry Apa. I enjoy him raising my taxes, peaking into my personal affairs and pushing for a larger state government.

I, for one, think it's better when governement and legislator like Jerry Apa decide what's right for me...
Anonymous said…
Thank goodness for 1:43 am. They finally have it almost right. Lee Schoenbeck, the Supreme Right Wing Commander, should decide everything for everyone...

Because the alternative would be democracy and free thought which would be dangerous for China, oops, I mean, South Dakota...
Anonymous said…
toys, toys, toys... this should be the topic...

Not the "1984" society advocated by Apa and Schoenbeck... the government will track down and prosecute those who do not believe in Apa and Schoenbeck!!!
Anonymous said…
Stop it, you posters!!! You are making me think, and Jerry and Lee said that is dangerous.
Anonymous said…
Be carefull 2:00 am... Jerry and Lee will track you down...
Anonymous said…
So, when is free thought and free choice a crime? Oh yeah, during the Apa and Schoenbeck era.
Anonymous said…
Somebody clarify all this for me. Do I really have to wait for instructions from Jerry Apa and Lee Schoenbeck or can I think for myself?

I am getting confused. Suddenly, big taxes/big government/big brother doesn't appeal to me. Lee, please, please, tell me what to think or I'll start thinking for myself based on the enlightened thoughts espoused by those un-American figures like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson (yes, Jerry and Lee, he was a Democrat--save it), Benjamin Franklin and that awful scoundrel James Madison...
Anonymous said…
Love Lee or move out of SD!!!

You liberals are creeps and if you don't agree with Lee, move to the Socialistic Republic of North Dakota where you belong!
Anonymous said…
Love Lee (Schoenbeck) or move out of SD!!!

That is a great slogan. These people who think disgust me and make my head hurt.

Lee and Jerry in 2010!!!
Anonymous said…
I don't think for myself, and I love Lee! He and Apa can make all my decisions for me, and I welcome them into my wallet and bedroom.

They are super-legislators!
Anonymous said…

Super-legislators, as I recall from you, are "good," even if they are obsessed with limiting my personal rights and taxing me to death, right? Otherwise, I may have concerns about Jerry Apa, Lee Schoenbeck and Brock Greenfield.
Anonymous said…
Lee, Jerry and Brock are super-legislators!!! Everyone who disagrees with "Love Lee or move out of SD" can hit the road. Awesome slogan!!!
Anonymous said…
Love Lee or leave SD!!!
Anonymous said…
"If you think, you don't Love Lee so move out of SD"

I love it. Let the unbelievers hit the road. "Lee knows best" if you don't believe it "ask Apa."

You people who mock Schoenbeck and Apa will be expelled or exterminated.
Anonymous said…
"I don't think, and I love Lee!!!"
Anonymous said…
Love Lee or move out of SD!!!
Anonymous said…
Lee rules. Personal freedom and responsibilty are way over-rated. Plus I like it when the government taxes me and tells me what to do.
Anonymous said…
"Lee knows best" and "if you don't believe, ask Apa" are the "right" choices--lefties hit the road!
Anonymous said…
"Don't think, Vote Lee (Schoenbeck)!"

Get used to it, you commies! It will be the triumphant call of the 2010 Gubernatorial Campaign.
Anonymous said…
Don't think, vote Lee (in 2010)! Lee rules!
Anonymous said…
Maybe this is a dumb question: Is Don't Think, Vote Lee really Schoenbeck's campaign slogan for 2010?
Anonymous said…
Yes. "Lee has taken away all your rights as guaranteed by the U.S. and S.D. Constitutions" didn't sound as good as "Don't Think, Vote Lee." And, as an added bonus, if you really don't think, it's even better.
Anonymous said…

Please make the super-legislators use their powers to make people stop thinking and analyzing. Thanks.
Anonymous said…
No, "Vote Lee or Move Out of SD" is a much better slogan.
Anonymous said…
Looks like all the adolescent Democrats in South Dakota got drunk and decided to show their ignorance to the rest of the world on just this one thread. Bet they are sleeping it off now so it's safe for normal people to come out now.
Anonymous said…
Must have been the pretty toy that attracted them, although I get the impression these posts were all from the same whacked-out teenager, talking to himself.
Anonymous said…
what about the lance russell questions? anything there?
Anonymous said…
ooooOOOOooo...the horned ones are back.

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