OMG. I can't stop laughing.....

Go check this out....

Also, it's been suggested that Rep. Stephanie Herseth Sandlin and Jon Bon Jovi have the same hair.

Read it all here at the politico blog..


Anonymous said…
Simply the best.....
Anonymous said…
PP, I think you said it best before: "Mulletography"
Anonymous said…
Twins! They say everyone has one!
Anonymous said…
Only a closet gay Republican would possibly look at it like that. Bon Jovi... BJ... interesting.
Anonymous said…
4:12. either that or Bill Clinton
Anonymous said…
4:29 from 4:12.
Yeah, well there's that...
Anonymous said…
Having a poster of Jon (John?) Bon Jovi in his room for the past 15 years, I'm surprised that PP never noticed this before.

And "OMG..."?? Did snap your gum and twirl your finger through your locks as you thought that?

PP. Valley Blogger. Just with thicker thighs.
Anonymous said…
Pat - I think you've got a case of hair envy.
Anonymous said…
PP rhymes with "wannabe" Its the only way I can explain his infatuation with Dave Kranz, Stephanie, and yes now Jon Bon Jovi.
Anonymous said…
PP wants to kick out the jams. But he's always at the wrong party.
Anonymous said…
"OMG"? WTF? what is this a teenage chatroom? god help us if PP is an influential voice in SD politics.
Anonymous said…
9:17pm -
I mean like
can't you understand that PP is
turning us on to some serious political stuff about Stephanie's hair.
It's like that one time in band camp, right?
LOL (Just kidding!)

Anonymous said…
really, now Russ, you don't have to keep leaving comments attacking PP. He's just posting what the Washington-based Politico did. Why are whiny liberals so obsessed with attacking anyone who doesn't agree with them? Sad.
Anonymous said…
10:26pm - You may have a point in general but on this specific issue it seems like folks are just having some fun. And from reading his post, PP deserves all the ridicule he's getting for this one.

What's next PP? Nude Britney pics? Or an update on your dungeon master level? OMG!
Carnivore said…
Poor PP - you pulled my post.

You naughty, haughty hypocrite
PP said…
Alright, I get that a few of you could have done without the shorthand.

It's not you've have never used ROTFLMAO or a similar acronym yourselves.

This IS the internet, you know.
PP said…
Carnivore, maybe if it somewhat was on-topic, and mildly coherent.
Carnivore said…
It was directly on topic. It’s a short history of what the SDGOP has done for 30 years to an otherwise charming state. Making fun of someone’s hair is exactly what you people are about.

You sound like “no rearview mirror” Shaw.
See what the other he-men think.
Post it…. if you dare.
Anonymous said…
OMG WTF! u nevaz did dat, like, dats like, fkin gay! if i did dat id be like, wowz!!!!
Anonymous said…
PP just got Ice Burned by the Argus.

Angie said…

"He's just posting what the Washington-based Politico did."

Actually, he's posting something about her hair (the resemblence to Bon Jovi's I find hilarious, by the way). More to the point, Stephanie's no more "Washington-based Politico" than Thune is. Wait...maybe our U.S. Congressional delegation is based in Washington because we sent them there.
Anonymous said…
Well, PP was right about one thing. Seems we can't stop laughing either. 5'll get you 6, PP has a Steff/Bon Jovi wig stashed away somewhere. Probably wears it when he drives around incognito. (Sideache, sideache.)
PP said…
8:54, since that's patently false and a bit slanderous, it's gone.
Anonymous said…
I am new to this. Who is PP?
PP said…
12:53 (as I said to you when you were 8:54) that's a bunch of nonsense. And gone.

Apparently you're writing down red marks against me in your little black book, no matter who made the comment on my website, or if it was material quoted from another source?

If you're that obsessed, you lack both a sense of humor and reality, and should probably go surf the web at PBS kids.
Anonymous said…
I see that the Hildebrats have taken to sniping at you, PP, personally. What have you done to earn the wrath of the imps?
Anonymous said…
The libs know that PP will find it necessary (because of them) to end anonymous posting. They are trying to take a chunk out of him before it happens.

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