KCCR NEWS: Klaudt hires attorney familiar with the Pierre courthouse.

After initially using House Speaker Tom Deadrick to represent him at initial hearings in his trial for multiple instances of misconduct against foster children residing in his house, KCCR news in Pierre is reporting today that former Representative Ted Klaudt has hired a familiar face to the Hughes County Courthouse to represent him:
A preliminary hearing for former state legislator Ted Klaudt, which was scheduled for Thursday in Pierre, has been moved to June 27th.

Klaudt is facing four counts of second-degree rape in Hughes County. He faces 10 other counts in Corson County.

According to court documents Klaudt has hired Rapid City attorney Timothy Rensch. Rensch represented Pierre resident Brad Reay in his murder trial earlier this year. Reay was ultimately convicted of first degree murder in the death of his wife, Tami.

Rensch has already filed his first motion for discovery asking for physical evidence as well as statements of Klaudt and potential witnesses given to investigators.
Read it all here.

Yes, for those interested in knowing, this would be the same attorney who in the Brad Reay trial offered up a defense that the 12 year old daughter killed her mom. (and we go to the update...)

Update - okay, one commenter is calling me out on my characterization -
The client offers a defense, not the lawyer.

Rensch has to argue on behalf of his client, and put forth the defense his client insists upon, unless the lawyer KNOWS the client is lying.

I know you don't have the foggiest idea of how lawyering works, PP, but you should be a little more careful about how you characterize this stuff.
Well, I might have a bit of an idea how things work, but I will concede that my phraseology as I hammer this out might not jibe with the canons of law (so bear with me). I certainly want to be fair, as I've been told Rensch is a good defense attorney, and I wouldn't wan to sell him short. Maybe a better approach would be put this to the attorneys reading out there -

Given Rensch's background and prior courtroom experience, what type of defense should we expect in the Klaudt case?


Anonymous said…
The client offers a defense, not the lawyer.

Rensch has to argue on behalf of his client, and put forth the defense his client insists upon, unless the lawyer KNOWS the client is lying.

I know you don't have the foggiest idea of how lawyering works, PP, but you should be a little more careful about how you characterize this stuff.
Anonymous said…
When asked for comment, Frm. Rep Kaludt replied:

"HA HA HA Oohh shoodah jor maja aska pee uno wookie Chewbacca."

Then went back to devouring frogs out of a container
Anonymous said…
10:35, that is the best post ever.
Anonymous said…
Besides putting his own pecuniary interest ahead of his official responsibilities, what in the hell was the sitting Speaker of the House doing defending this guy?
Tell Todd said…
10:35, I agree with 11:06. Indeed! Funny as heck!
Anonymous said…
Todd and 11:06

SouthDakotaMac returns
Anonymous said…
10:35 Perfect.
Anonymous said…
Yeah boy 10:35 that is funny, and true!

I agree 12:23, the Speaker of the SD House might be called to take part in some sort of investigation and should have never taken this client because he might have to investigate him or the SD page program.
Anonymous said…
well, tim defended arlo looking cloud and he got a life sentence. then he defended Reay and he got a life sentence. but i still stand by tim because he really is a good defense attorney and sometimes your clients really are guilty as hell.

nothin' you can do about that except pretend that you believe everything they tell you (even if it is that the f.b.i. manufactured a cover up to set up AIM, or a 12 year old girl killed her own mother). someone's gotta defend these really creepy criminals - that's the way the system works - and i'm proud of tim for stepping up to the plate.

i mean, would you have the cojones to spend virtually months with someone who responds to your questions with "OOOhh shoodah toad grrrllli shaddup"...

and 10:35, that really has to be the best post ever.


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