Tim Johnson releases more photos of the Senator working at home

Senator Tim Johnson's office has released a couple more photos of him working out of his house with his Chief of Staff.


Anonymous said…
I'm still waiting for these pics to download, but I did see one of them earlier elsewhere. Shows Johnson smiling and holding his hands in his lap. Does not show him doing any work though. The spin doctors can say all they want, but until we hear him actually telling us what he can do, people will speculate. Dribbling out these photo ops though is buying him time until he announces he will resign but not in time for anyone to replace him. Typical politics. Nothing against Johnson here; just upset with the way politics works regardless of party. They look out for themselves; that's what it's all about.
Anonymous said…
I’d say he looks pretty good for a guy who 5 months was near death and unconscious for 3 weeks.
Anonymous said…
I was watching six feet under on HBO and the main character had an AVM bounce back and died six months later, is it possible that AVMs resurface? I'm a broker not a doctor so I don't know.
Anonymous said…
Here's something to ponder.

To Republicans and Democrats alike: Assuming a Democrat has the inside track in 2008 because of national circumstances and because of South Dakota's history of preferring Democrats in Congress during the past quarter century, is there any Democrat you REALLY would prefer over Tim Johnson as senator?

PP, might make for an intersting stand-alone topic.
Anonymous said…
Cue nonnie...

"pelosi, reid, liberals, etc."
Anonymous said…
8:00. Huh???
Anonymous said…
OK, just read the argus leader's front page story. GEEZ. I'm glad as a South Dakotan I'm comforted on the Senator's health because there have now been 4 (?) released photos. No doctor explaining his condition, 4 PHOTOS.

Good enough for me, I saw the pictures. He must be fine.
Anonymous said…
7:24 anon: Love the sarcasm!!
Anonymous said…
He actually looks pretty good. Looks like he may be back to his normal weight and even though he still looks weak on his right side he quite clearly has most of his function back. I still say Johnson in '08!
Anonymous said…
Tim Johnson has a certain shyness, modesty and great personal dignity. Why is that so difficult for some of you folks to understand?

Oh, never mind... I just re-read the posts on this blog. Anons 7:24 and 7:51 for example. I forgot, you can't polish turds
Anonymous said…
8:23 said, "he still looks weak on his right side he quite clearly has most of his function back."

how can you tell that from the pictures? do yours convert to video?
Anonymous said…
8:23, what did you think when Bill Frist diagnosed Terry Schiavo from the well of the Senate? Bet you were pissed.
Anonymous said…
9:24 anon. I happen to agree with you about Johnson's personality.

That has nothing to do with being honest with the voters about his condition. It has nothing to do with the fact that he is our employee and should be up front with his employer (us) about his true functioning and ability to run next time. It's past time to even think that he would resign if unable to perform his job, and it would never happen anyway even if he wanted to. Dems wouldn't let him.
Anonymous said…
Sorry, correcton to my above post: "That has nothing to do with being honest with the voters about his condition. It has EVERYTHING to do with the fact that he is our employee and should be up front with his employer (us) about his true functioning and ability to run next time."
Anonymous said…
1:27 Is it dishonest to say that
you don't know when you don't?

Healing from a stroke like that takes time.

His are some big shoes to fill. He's 3 times as good as anyone else we could put in that seat right now. Democrat or Republican (with one possible exception.)

So even if he's only half way back to full operating power, we're still in good shape. And getting better all the time.

Let's stop all the hand wringing, fold them instead, and keep praying that Tim gets better.

Thanks for your kind reply, by the way.
Anonymous said…
He needs to talk to the media. Until he does that, nothing is credible, in my opinion, and it will seem even more likely that his people are playing politics until it is too late for the GOP to do anything. I am absolutely amazed that the SD media (or even Gannett's DC types) haven't done anything or railed about it. IT IS UNCONSCIONABLE. THIS WOULD NOT BE THE CASE IF IT WERE THUNE.
Anonymous said…
Hypotheticaly speaking, If Thune, possessed of all his former intellectual powers (which were few to begin with) were drooling out of one side of his face, trying to learn how to speak again after a massive stroke, you would be th first to rise to his defense.
Anonymous said…
I still believe this whole "Weekend at Bernie's" routine the dems are trying to pull is going to backfire on them.

It's obvious that they are just trying to buy time, and hold any republican back from declaring his or her canidacy, and going to work.

The plan is keep the republicans quiet long enough that Steffy has basically no opposition when she makes her sad announcement that since Sen. Johnson is unable to run, she will step in for him.

The voters will be smart enough to see what just happened, and will react accordingly.

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