Brown County Lincoln Day Dinner - The contenders...

I promised to make note of the people who were at the Lincoln Day Dinner who might be running for statewide office in the coming years, and there were several of them at the dinner last night

State Representative Joel Dykstra, who is anticipated to be a challenger for the US Senate seat this next fall, was at the dinner meeting and greeting the party faithful in attendance. Sam Kephart (who has already announced officially) and Jim Seward, who got a lot of attention at the Spearfish Dinner didn't make it, but they were there in spirit.

Former Thune Congressional Aide Larry Russell made a bit of a splash at the event. As I had related earlier, Larry had a tough time getting in the door because most everyone who walked in the place was either bending his ear, or pledging their support for him if he chooses to make a "Russell Congressional race" a reality. I personally heard a couple of sitting Republican legislators give him the thumbs up for support.

If Sioux Falls Councilman Pat Costello decides to get into it (as rumored), he's already going to have a steep hill to climb.

Sorry about this one Matt - My camera batteries died before I could get a decent picture of Matt Michels at the event. Matt is spoken of as one of the potential GOP contenders for the 2010 Gubernatorial race, which seems to be getting as much as (if not more) attention than the 2008 Federal races.

Speaking of the 2010 Gubernatorial races, Lee Schoenbeck and Dennis Daugaard seem to be regularly featured speakers at Lincoln Day Dinners this season. Lee, who is often mentioned when people make lists of their Gubernatorial picks, with his razor sharp wit and high energy delivery gave the crowd a rousing speech about how values are what made the country great, and will continue to keep it strong.

And below, Lt. Governor Dennis Daugaard gave a very emotional and heartfelt speech about the origins of the GOP, and the historical environment that the first Republican president, Abraham Lincoln, took office in.

Dennis, of course, has already announced he's going to be running in 2010, and has already received the endorsement of Governor Rounds. The remaining 2010 Contender, Senate Majority Leader Dave Knudson, didn't make it to the event.

S0 there you have it - the 2008 and 2010 contenders. All at the 2007 Brown County Lincoln Day Dinner.


Anonymous said…
PP gets damp from getting within camera range of mediocrity.
Anonymous said…
Larry Russell for Congress???? That goofball?!!!?? How did that guy escape election fraud charges? I saw the news articles and saw he had to be removed from the state to avoid prosecution, and now he's slithered back home to run.

This makes the inspiration for the sleazy radio ads against Stephanie entirely explainable.
Anonymous said…
Get over it. There were no charges because he did not do anything wrong. Sorry, but once the real issues are at the center of the debate, you'd only wished that he took your advice and didn't run.

So, keep it up because it just shows your fear.
Anonymous said…
Which bible college did Dykstra graduate from again, I forget?
Anonymous said…
Pimps, whores and nutcases. Nice pix.
Anonymous said…
I felt a cold shiver of evil down my spine when I logged on to SDWC just now. I didn't know where that had come from until I scrolled down and saw that picture of Joel Dykstra.

That explains it.
Anonymous said…
Knudson will wipe these other guys away in 2010. He's got integrity and wit that's unmatched by any of the others. Also, he's NOT ultra right-wing.
Anonymous said…
6:27 - just too bad he has to get through that pesky primary. You know, where they typically reject Democrats running as Republicans.
Anonymous said…
So Gene, if that's you and you're so great, what are you running for? Also, the slams against Dykstra are what's evil. He is a decent, intelligent, honest man. Apparently some bloggers don't care for the fact he'a pro-life conservative.
Anonymous said…
"So Gene, if that's you and you're so great, what are you running for?"

I'll tell you when you star5t using your real name, Iwantmymommymous.
Anonymous said…
1. Is Lee standing on a stool?
2. Can anyone love Larry as much as you, PP?
3. Does DD think the Rounds drool will carry him to the house that Great Western Built?
4. When is Matt M. going to shave the Hitler Stach?
5. Where are all the great GOP Women?
6. Who is Jim Seward?
Anonymous said…
oh yeah...

7. Joel, would you please stop?
Anonymous said…
Oh I wish I was in the land of cotton
Old times there are not forgotten...
Anonymous said…
Schoenbeck looks older and alot grayer than ever.He should hurry and bust a move, I think time is running out. Dykstra looks fit and almost Presidential, Russell looks like a loser.
Anonymous said…
Is that Dusty Johnson talking to Larry? Dusty is the one who should be running, and he is the one who has the real grass roots support!
Anonymous said…
hummmmmm, seemed Russell was running to try to get people to listen not as what was reported.
Haggs said…
5:24 PM - That's just silly. Dykstra isn't evil. He's an arrogant, self-centered, heartless jerk who as no problem stepping on the little guy to buy himself more political capital. But he's certainly not evil.

7:22 PM - I don't know about anyone else, but I do not slam Dykstra because he's a pro-life conservative. I slam him because I think he's a horrible legislator who doesn't care about the people he's supposed to represent.

10:18 PM - Dykstra presidential? Scary thought. If there's one person who could possibly be worse than our current president, it would be him.
Anonymous said…
Following 10:55's comments, it seems Johnson and Daugaard both have a great amount of grassroots support ready to go.
Anonymous said…
Rosenthal - go back to your own website
Anonymous said…
The Hildebrats are at it again. They must sit around all day coming up with these sarcastic remarks against Republicans. You see it on CCK, Blogmore and here too.

Their aim is to reduce participation of conservatives on the blogs with their constant ridicule. On the other hand, they could simply be mean, bitter people.
Anonymous said…
Or, as the case is, PP tends to support those candidates that don't appeal to many in the GOP.
Anonymous said…
"Anonymous 4:39 said: Get over it. There were no charges because he did not do anything wrong."

Kind of like Dan Sutton, huh?
Anonymous said…
Sliming 101.

Don't just defame one Republican. Always criticize the target in combination with an unpopular or troubled politician or two.

Examples: Tie Brock Greenfield with Ted Klaudt. Include the name of Dan Sutton when you mention Larry Russell.

Yea, we see the petty game the Hildebrats are playing. Aren't they clever.
Anonymous said…
Here is where you guys jump in and deny that you are in the gang. Oh, and we know you pretend to be Republicans on the blogs too.
Anonymous said…
No, here's where we ask the most pregnant of questions. Is there any truth to the rumor that Mike Rounds told at least one of these boys that they might as well get on with their campaign because he (Rounds) won't be running for Senate in 2008?

If so, there are two possible scenarios:

1. Mike is just as callous and disengenuous as Bill Janklow was and doesn't care if one of these suckers blows his whole campaign wad aonly to have Mike blow them out of the water come "judgement day."


2. Mike Rounds knows he couldn't beat any of the likely-Dems-to-run. In which case, the rest of these lightweights might want to remember what happened to Charlene Harr once upon a time.
Hint: Can you spell lambs to the slaughter?

That's the real scoop, PP, and you know it.
PP said…
Guys, as far as I know, he's not running.
Anonymous said…
PP said...

Guys, as far as I know, he's not running.

Well, I guess that sews it up, then.

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