Not enough time in the day...
Hey -
I got quite a few pictures from the event last night, which Senator Thune unfortunately had to miss, but he sent an incredible gift for the group to raise money with. Check out this book signed by 11 US Senators. In fact, during a vote I'm told you could see him on C-span running around and getting it signed.
I'll go more into depth about this as well as talk about the surprising numbers of potential candidates there including Joel Dykstra, Matt Michels, and this guy on the left....
I'll leave you these teaser photos, and get back to it this afternoon. I've got to run in the meantime.
Aren’t there actually more than 11 Senators? Maybe the rest of them heard about Klaudt.
What say ye, oh grand and vaulted PP? Thrill us with your acumen.
The term is "vaunted."
And your penchant for dissembling is showing.
Are you going to answer my questions or not?
v. vaunt·ed, vaunt·ing, vaunts
v. tr.
To speak boastfully of; brag about.
v. intr.
To speak boastfully; brag. See Synonyms at boast1.
1. A boastful remark.
2. Speech of extravagant self-praise.
Pronunciation: (vôl'tid), [key]
1. constructed or covered with a vault, as a building or chamber.
2. provided with a vault.
3. resembling a vault: the vaulted sky.
Clean up the environment: that’s hysterical.
"My house got flooded and all I got was this lousy book" PP can print the t-shirts.
Hey, why did he need new furniture anyway when the old furniture was just fine? Wasting taxpayer money on new stuff that wasn't needed and wasting taxpayer money dumping old stuff instead of selling it.
Your Republican government at work. Something to think about when LL comes to the legislature looking for more money next year.
Check out the photos of the dumped items on Todd Epp's blog or
are you really mike tyson?
PP will be burning up the thesaurus / dictionary.
The annoying little liberals posting here claim that they are not scared of him. They tell us to "bring it on". The truth is that if your opponent is weak, you should ignore him. They certainly are not ignoring Larry Russell.
I'm one Republican who will never vote for him for congress. Furthermore I would be embarassed if this is the best candidate we can come up with.
(Busy right now, but I won't forget)
Their level and pitch on this site against Larry Russell is indictive of their nervousness, nothing more.
Why is it not one of your candidates runs on liberal ideas? Is that because in SD you would not get a vote.
Make fun of our candidates because in Nov of 08 you will be crying. The Republicans are going to take both federal races. People are sick of the Liberal ideas.
Tax and give to illegals?? Only an idiot would think that is a good idea. (And so you Liberals will understand, Stephanie's buddy Nancy said that)
Since you weenies don't have any guts to start with.