The Book that Thune Donated

I had written a bit on the incredible gift that Senator Thune sent for the Brown County Lincoln Day Dinner fpr the Brown Co GOP to raise money with.

I was told you could see him on C-span running around and getting it signed while some Senators were milling around after a vote. So here it is in more detail.

Mitch McConnell, Trent Lott, Thune himself, Mel Martinex, Johnny Isakson, Richard Burr, Jim DeMint, Pat Roberts, Jeff Sessions, and Saxby Chambliss all signed this beautiful book about our Nations' Capitol Building.

What a neat item - and now it includes the signatures of 11 Senators - any of whom could rise to be president someday.


Anonymous said…
That is a great item. I say that not as a Republican (which I am not), but as a political junkie. Very thoughtful of Senator Thune, and a keepsake for whoever gets/got the book.
Anonymous said…
What did the book go for?
Anonymous said…
At first I thought it was jerky of Thune to only ask Republican senators to sign the book. But then I reread the top of the post and saw that it was for a dinner for the Brown County GOP. So that's cool.

Also, I have trouble seeing Trent Lott as a future presidential candidate. He has some racist tendencies that would haunt him.
Anonymous said…
The book sold for $7.00. Cool.
PP said…
I only saw the first bid at $60. I didn't see who won the silent auction.

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