Gov Staffer leaves to go to TSD

I missed this one until now. Kim Olson, wife of Representative Ryan Olson, is moving out of her space in the Governor's office and taking up residence at the Department of Tourism and State Development:
Kim (Juffer) Olson has been named the state’s Economic Development Director and the Deputy Secretary of the Department of Tourism and State Development, Richard Benda, Secretary of Tourism and State Development announced today, May 29, 2007. Olson currently serves as a Senior Policy Advisor to Governor Mike Rounds.
“Kim has been working as the Department’s liaison with the Governor’s Office for the past several years so this is a natural transition for her,” Benda said. “Kim is already up to speed on the majority of our economic development projects so she will literally be able to hit the ground running,” he said.
Olson, her husband Ryan, and their daughter Olivia live on a farm outside of Onida.
Read it all here.

Kim was always a pleasure to work with in the Governor's office during my time there, and I'm sure she'll do just fine over at TSD. Kim, congrats and good luck from the SDWC.


Anonymous said…
If Ryan Olson is on the state health plan is that a conflict for him as a legislator??
Anonymous said…
Good question. I assume his wife is a volunteer since it would be illegal for her, as the spouse of a legislator, to have a contract with the state. I’m certain Mitch Kreps is also a volunteer.
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said…
Krebs makes 105,000 per year according to the Argus.
Anonymous said…
1:51 That simply cannot be. If Krebs made any money from that job, his wife would have a conflict and would not be able to serve in the legislature. I'm sure it is the Argus that is wrong.
Anonymous said…
The AG has stated that these circumstances are legal. Where the Supreme Court case said (Carol Pitts Case) was no legislator may be employed or under contract (which doesn't include insurance coverage by the way)and that spouses are exempt. If you wanted to say that anyone with any connection to state funding (schools, universities, state government, contractors, etc, you would expempt half the state.
Congratulations to Kim!
Anonymous said…
Thanks for clearing that up. So as long as my spouse deposits the check in our account, everything is leagle.
Anonymous said…
or rather "legal"
Anonymous said…
And Klaudt was getting paid to take care of foster kids while he held considerable power over the budget for those agencies.

An AG opinion is just that. An opinion.
Anonymous said…
Legislators aren't on the state health plan. That's why they constantly attack it.
Anonymous said…
Where is the AG statement in the press calling attention to yet another obvious conflict of interest by a GIP legislator? Where's the conflict statement on Shantel Krebs???? Why is Roger Hunt running loose? Why is child molester Jabba Klaudt running loose?

What is taking Larry so LLLLLooooooooooooonnnnnnnnggggggggg?
Anonymous said…
Kim will do very well. Good pick.
Anonymous said…
Who's filling her spot at the Gov's office?
Anonymous said…
Who is Kim's husband going to offer to debate next? Obama? Gov. Heidepreim or Lt. Gov Turbak (God forbid).
Anonymous said…
A big part of the problem with state government is the appointment of unqualified, inexperienced, politically-connected people to run agencies and divisions.

We'd be much better served doing a nationwide search for important positions like this one - similar to what the colleges do to pick college presidents. Then, bring in the political animals as underlings.

People who learned everything they know in Pierre, don't really know that much.
Anonymous said…

Thanks for saying that anyone from South Dakota is an idiot! We all really appreciate your comments O wise one. Any other great advice for us podunks here in South Dakota?
Anonymous said…
Hey Nemec,

Since you are such a constitutional scholar, why don't you give us your opinion of what Article III § 12 of our constitution means?

In the words of its maker(Kellam), the object of Article III § 12 is “to put the Legislature under such limitation of power that they could not create offices for themselves.”

You really want to make an assertion that a spouse of a legislator who holds a position that was long ago created is in violation?
Anonymous said…
The inbred Pierre crowd is again attempting to defend corruption and cronyism. These examples are great examples of the problem with Pierre. There is truly no one minding the store.
Anonymous said…
7:26, South Dakota has its idiots like anywhere else - including you (Mr. Olson I presume).

If we don't look for the best people we won't find the best people. This particular job search started and finished with an unqualified, inexperienced, politically-connected person. Just more of the same in Pierre.
Anonymous said…
Look at her husbands voting record and you know where all of the experience and the brians come from.
Anonymous said…
Did she approve the Taco John's tourism brochure?

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