Clout, Klaudt, Stan and Randy.

Ooo.. some grumbling in the ranks. Ted Klaudt takes on Stan Adelstein over the moderate coalition in the 6/29 issue of the Mitchell Daily Republic (registration required), one of the better papers inthe state for original political reporting:

To bring religion into this is BS,’ Klaudt said. “Stan Adelstein is way off base there. He’s the only one pushing that agenda.”
to which Stan rebuts:

"While I wouldn’t say that individual free expression has been stifled, I would say that it has been muted,” Adelstein said. “There should not be a state religion. What I'm doing is helping to establish a forum for multiple religious views which does not now exist. In my opinion the whole evangelic emphasis is the only voice that’s being heard.”

This is also the first report that I saw noting that Stan ponied up 25k for the group himself. And Randy Frederick, State GOP Chairman weighed in with his own opinion as well:

GOP State Chairman Randy Frederick said that if the party has room for the peanut caucus’ it will also have room for the new moderate coalition. He was referring to an informal discussion group headed by Klaudt, who met nightly during the legislative session. The group got its name from the 50-pound bag of peanuts it purchased that lasted the entire session. Other members in the core group included Sen. Jim Lintz, R-Hermosa, and Rep. Larry Rhoden, R-Union Center.

“All opinions are welcome,” said Frederick ‘The very fact that these (moderate) people are speaking out proves the GOP is not a monolithic party” he said.

This group looks like it might have a little more clout (and dollars) than the conservative group that fizzled out last summer. But they appear to be a lightning rod for drawing fire. Stay tuned, because this is firing me up for my post on what the GOP needs to do to hold on to power.


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