These Stephanie ads are right in there with the Reagan Good Morning ads. All feel good pretty charming images but all with one major problem.
Her ads give the war credibility and the deaths already wasted a meaning unsupported by reality and in a way that guarantees only that more American young men and women will die for nothing beyond election chances.
Not hard to understand why she does it in a state filled with Republinuts who will vote Republican as one years ago said, "Until I have to go to the corn crib to get breakfast."
But, still discouraging because it is a short-range tactical ploy with disastrous long-range strategic political consequences.
One of these years the Republicans will find a candidate who doesn't have a truckload of wingnut baggage and that will require a total change in the blue dog's yowl.
Anonymous said…
She's HONORED to approve this message! Like she had nothing to do with it, like it was a surprise birthday present??
Anonymous said…
But Bruce Whalen is PRO-LIFE!
Anonymous said…
He's also pro bolo tie. That's why I voted for him.
Anonymous said…
That is a great ad. Not only does it remind voters that she supports the troops (with her actions, not just her 'I support the troops rhetoric'), but it shows that she's working for South Dakota families. It's a great message...
Also, it doesn't say she supported the war, it says that she's voting to get our troops the tools they need... and taking care of our veterans. That's what she -- and all Dems and Repubs -- SHOULD be doing. The men and women from SD serving overseas didn't vote for the war -- they simply did their duty when they called. The war was happening when Herseth was elected. To say that it's wrong of her to work for body armor for those overseas... and to take care of our vets when they come home is crazy. And, for the record, I've been opposed to the war from the beginning. But we shouldn't take it out on our troops. Steph is right on this one...
Anonymous said…
Isn't it great what you can get from a costume store. Did anyone else notice the "soldiers" in the ad had no rank and no branch on the uniform. Complete fake!
Here's some of the information on the Corson County Charges: COUNT I That on or about December of 2005, in the County of Corson, State of South Dakota, Ted Alvin Klaudt did commit the public offense of SECOND DEGREE RAPE (SDCL 22-22-1(2)) in that he did accomplish an act of sexual penetration with his foster daughter, A.M., through the use of force or coercion; and as to COUNT II That on or about July or August of 2006, in the County of Corson, State of South Dakota, Ted Alvin Klaudt did commit the public offense of SECOND DEGREE RAPE (SDCL 22-22-1(2)) in that he did accomplish an act of sexual penetration with his foster daughter, A.M., through the use of force or coercion; and as to COUNT III That on or about July or August of 2006, in the County of Corson, State of South Dakota, Ted Alvin Klaudt did commit the public offense of SECOND DEGREE RAPE (SDCL 22-22-1(2)) in that he did accomplish an act of sexual penetration, separate and distinct from the act alleged in Count II, with...
(Click on letter to enlarge) And while it may not be printed at taxpayer expense, I don't see a disclaimer, either. When they hold the special session (supposedly at the end of November) , since he's left them already, I think his colleagues should expel him from the caucus. Sure. At that point it's only going to be symbolic. But since he's already said he's running again in the near future, sometimes symbolism is enough.
As the only South Dakota blogger out with 5 daughters, I feel I need to weigh in on the whole discussion that's occurring with regards to the HPV vaccine, and Governor Rounds' proposal to make it available. My family (including my three oldest girls) watched my mom, their grandmother, succumb slowly and painfully to cancer which spread throughout her body. If a similar fate from a different type of cancer was preventable through a simple shot, why wouldn't anyone advocate for it? At the age most of my kids are going to be getting it, they're still playing with barbies, and negative influences such as most of the programming on MTV, and other assorted trashy television is verboten in my house. All they're going to know about this vaccination is that it's a shot, just like for teatnus or measles. They'll go "Ow, I don't want a shot," and that will be it. Just another mark on their vaccination record. One check box for DPT, one for HPV, and so on...
Her ads give the war credibility and the deaths already wasted a meaning unsupported by reality and in a way that guarantees only that more American young men and women will die for nothing beyond election chances.
Not hard to understand why she does it in a state filled with Republinuts who will vote Republican as one years ago said, "Until I have to go to the corn crib to get breakfast."
But, still discouraging because it is a short-range tactical ploy with disastrous long-range strategic political consequences.
One of these years the Republicans will find a candidate who doesn't have a truckload of wingnut baggage and that will require a total change in the blue dog's yowl.
Also, it doesn't say she supported the war, it says that she's voting to get our troops the tools they need... and taking care of our veterans. That's what she -- and all Dems and Repubs -- SHOULD be doing. The men and women from SD serving overseas didn't vote for the war -- they simply did their duty when they called. The war was happening when Herseth was elected. To say that it's wrong of her to work for body armor for those overseas... and to take care of our vets when they come home is crazy. And, for the record, I've been opposed to the war from the beginning. But we shouldn't take it out on our troops. Steph is right on this one...